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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes July 21, 2020


Members Present: Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, John Macho, David Wein, Gil Gardner

Opening Prayer: Pastor Kevin


Devotion: David Wein—Remember the Commandment to show love for one another

Devotion for August—Jan

Devotion for September—Sarah

Pastor’s Report: June and July have gone pretty well.  With our three service options I feel we have navigated reasonably well the conflicts that surround us (aka- mask wearing!)  I was surprised at the amount of anger/energy/division- associated with this topic.  Bottom line- options are working. 

Another surprise for me has been youth ministry.  After hearing that people wanted youth activities- we offered them and got little to no response from our youth and their parents.  Rumor has it sports are going well with kids this summer- so I’m assuming the fall will rebound.  I have been in conversation and planning with Amy over our next steps.  She has been actively contacting kids on her own.  That is going well.  We are hoping to kick things off more substantially with the group in the fall.  I am optimistic for the fall but obviously everything is operating in an unpredictable fashion at the moment.

Sundays have been going pretty well from the general feedback I have been hearing (and by my own observations).  So I am thankful for the steps we have taken and continue for pray for the literal health of the congregation.   I request your prayers as well.  

I have been waiting on finalizing confirmation largely because of the youth situation.  But I intend on moving ahead mid August.  Time will tell. 

On a personal note- I suspect I’m still moving through the stages of grief.  I am a bit angry that one of our potentially best years as a congregation- is disappearing into oddity.  I know there will be more good years ahead but typically churches have a window of growth and potential that we have been working hard to achieve.  This year was likely to have been one of the best for our church. (for example- youth group numbers). Anyway- it’s a feeling of loss. I suspect I am getting closer to the place of acceptance.  I do feel better about my weekly tasks and am finding a new rhythm (if reluctantly!).  It has been very good to see people in person again.  

As always thank you for your help in guiding this wonderful church.  We are still moving to good places- come what may!  Pastor Kevin 

Buildings and Grounds: No report this month.

Youth: Amy working with families who were part of the canceled mission trip. Hoping she can put something together for mid-August. She is having calls with youth members who are struggling with the changes to do the Corona Virus.

Fellowship & Life: Team will resume meeting in September 2020. Jan reports the planned golf outing was cancelled due to Corona Virus.

We Care: Drew will be taking the lead of this group next year. The team will be transitioning to “how are you doing” calls to the congregation. Pastor reports the calls being made have been helpful to several individuals.

Social Media: Sarah reports 235 followers on Facebook. YouTube views are down to about 35 due to opening up church as parking lot attendance.

There were only about 30 people who returned their time/talent surveys. It was suggested our social media posts focus on getting the contact info back from everyone. Sarah will create some posts to that effect.

Treasurer Report: YTD surplus is $13,361. This is good to see. Church income for operations is lower than budgeted by $535, regular giving is lower than budgeted by $402 and loose offering is lower than budgeted by $1,873.

Treasurer report motion to accept: David Wein, seconded by Jan Olson.

Stewardship: Wayne reported LOL did not receive one of the five $500 technology grants offered by the ELCA district synod. We were hoping to offset some of the costs of the sound system upgrade and purchasing the transmitter for parking lot church.

Gail will write a $2,500 check to district ELCA to pay for the Stewardship for All Seasons campaign.

Wayne showed a giving analysis week by week and month by month. As one would expect, giving alone is down $20,000 from budgeted offerings. Envelope offerings are still very strong and we can see increases in the number of people using text/credit card.



Reopening status: Taking temps and advising masks, but getting negative feedback on the masks. Summer attendance is not that far off from normal at 75-100. More people inside at 8am than in the parking lot. It’s the reverse for 10am.

Jan Olson discussed “Navigating a Positive Covid Test and Contacts” and how we will deal with people who come in with temperatures and/or coughing and clearly sick.

Jeff Jahnke suggested we make no changes to our current worship procedures and keep an eye on things through September. All members were in agreement.



Sunday School Rally Day: Sept 27.

Confirmation: Pastor Kevin looking at mid-August to finalize individual confirmand meetings. Likely October for confirmation.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin

Next Meeting: Tuesday 8/18/2020 at 6:30 p.m.