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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                     August 18, 2020

Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, John Macho, David Wein, John Penza, Gail Gardner and Kristen Bjornstad.

Devotion:  Jan—“A Great Work”

            Devotion for September—Sarah

            Devotion for October—Kristen

Opening Prayer:  Jan Olson

Pastor’s Report:  “The last month has been going well around the church.  Not many changes. 

Attendance inside is on the rise however.  I really noticed it on Sunday.  I do wonder about a possible third service in the fall- possibly Sept 27th.  (Wonder- not want! 8, 9:30, 11?)  But it may be necessary to keep people distanced etc. This will also create space for upcoming- Confirmation,Thanksgiving- Christmas services etc.  Jan mentioned when the Sanctuary was set up, we were going on the target of 50 chairs and distanced in ‘family groups’ – approximately 68 in there right now. Right now, the total numbers seemingly is not a factor and Jan feels likely we can get more chairs in the Sanctuary and still keep the distancing in play.

The other option is to put many more chairs in the Narthex (Maybe a TV screen? Would require a camera to film- extra expense)  Sound is taken care of now.

I do think that people would prefer to worship in the sanctuary however.  And if we move to three services in the fall.  Would we have people sign up in advance so they don’t all show up on the same service?  We need more ushers. – you know the questions….. I know I’m tired of the questions….. 

Otherwise I continue to hear positive things about the options we have created for worship.  Thank you for all of your help with this.”

We are seeing good numbers and that is encouraging.  Jeff added that we will be continuing in Phase II of reopening at this time.  We will revisit moving on to Phase III at a later date.

Youth:   John Penza [for Amy Penza] stated that there were 15-20 kids who attended a youth group meeting held at The Well.  They all seem to be doing OK, and the meeting almost felt “normal.”  The youth group is planning to start up meeting again the week before Sunday school starts (Rally Day scheduled for 9/27). 

John added that Amy would like to know what happens with youth group and Sunday school if the schools close again.  We also need to have guidelines for parents during the Sunday school hour (whether or not they will be allowed to congregate at church while the kids attend Sunday school).  Amy also suggested that the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders alternate Sunday school weeks between a lesson and joining the youth group during that hour. 

Additionally, Amy is concerned about the lack of response from youth parents.  When she looked into restarting youth group, she reached out to the parents and there was no response.  She only gets kids to show up if she contacts them directly.  She is unsure if this is due to Covid, normal summer, or lack of interest.

Fellowship & Life:  Team will resume meeting in September 2020. 

We Care: Moving forward

 Social Media:  Sarah said that very few time and talent forms were returned (they are available on Facebook now too).  Wayne suggested including it in the next newsletter as well.  Jeff would like a slide added on Sunday with information on where to get the forms (and how to find the link on Facebook).

Sarah suggested using “sign up genius” to have people schedule service attendance in the future.

 Treasurer Report: 

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of July 2020                  $15,318

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of July 2020             $1,957

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of July 31, 2020 is $96,336.07

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of July 31, 2020 is $42,044.93 (this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of June, 2020 is $19,677.87

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is lower than budgeted by ($2,328).  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is lower than budgeted by ($1,431), our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($2,274).

We received Scrip proceeds as of July 2020 $3,100 of our Fiscal Year.


We did budget for a ($11,393) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $15,318

Gail noted that LOL currently has a surplus instead of a projected deficit, so the church still seems to be doing well.  She added that nothing has been determined on the PPP loan yet as far as any forgiveness amount.  The loan amount is NOT included in the surplus.


Gail was asked about the increase in giving (after stewardship campaign—to determine amount that LOL will give to the ELCA): 

                        1/2018-12/2018 = $332,656.00

                        1/2019-12/2019 = $354,439.00

10% of the increase would be $2178.00 (to give to the ELCA).  Council had previously discussed giving the ELCA $2500.00.

Wayne Ludkey made a motion to give the ELCA $2500.00 from the increase due to the stewardship campaign.  Kristen Bjornstad seconded.  Approved (unanimous).

Jeff added that when the money is sent to the ELCA that they should be told what amount 10% was, but that the church is giving them $2500.00.  We also want to make sure to thank them for their help.

John Penza made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report.  Jan Olson seconded.  Approved.

Stewardship: Wayne commented that it is great that the church currently has a surplus, but giving is still down.  It may be time to show the congregation where their offering money is going.  Credit card giving is up a little. 

Gail noted that the church’s expenses are currently about $33,000.00 under budget.  Kristen also noted that the money for the intern is still in the budget, so we haven’t had that as an expense either (and part of why there is a relatively large surplus).

Jan added that there will be the upcoming expense of furnace work.  Jeff asked Gail to compile a comparison of the “Budget vs Actual” and compare it to the previous year.

Wayne suggested that it is time to start an Endowment Fund campaign.  No contributions have been made to the endowment fund since it was moved.         Jan noted that Verne [Olson] said that he would be interested in participation in the endowment fund committee (not leading it though).


Constitution: Jeff and Jan will try to get the constitution (with revisions) published by Labor Day so that council can approve at the next meeting.  Then it can be sent to the ELCA so that it can be available to the congregation by October (for a November vote).

 Employee Handbook:  Jeff and David met.  David will have it drafted and out to council for review in 2 weeks.

Time and Talent:  Jan relayed that Russ Kohl has had a difficult time getting ushers for services.  Pastor Kevin stated that the number of ushers per service can probably be reduced.  John Penza said that some of the youth may be interested and some of them have already been helping out consistently.


 Council Terms:  Jeff moves that with the switch to a calendar year, council terms also change to match the new fiscal schedule.  Council just needs to decide whether the terms expire at the end of the term year, or the beginning of the next year.  Jeff proposes that we have elections in November, and have new council members begin their terms January 1.

Gail noted that if we have a meeting with a budget in November, we won’t have the fiscal EOY information available.

John Penza made a motion to move council member terms to expire at the end of the calendar year for the year their term is set to expire.  Waynde Ludkey seconded.  *This vote has been tabled until the September meeting as Jan Olson will check the by-laws before council proceeds.

Jeff added that no current council member terms are set to expire in 2020, so elections set for the annual meeting in February 2021 will be pushed back to an election in November 2021.  Jeff did ask the group if the terms of the officers will coincide with the calendar year.  This will be discussed at the September meeting.

Cyber Security:  Jeff suggests using Dropbox for all records so that they will all be in the same place.

David Wein made a motion to adjourn.  John Penza seconded.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  9/15/2020 at 6:30 p.m.