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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                 October 20, 2020


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, John Penza, Gail Gardner, John Macho, David Wein and Kristen Bjornstad


Opening Prayer:  Pastor Kevin


Devotion:  Kristen—“Unworthy Servants”

Devotion for November—Pastor Kevin

Devotion for December—John Macho


Gail Gardner made a motion to approve the September 2020 Council Meeting Minutes.  Jan Olson seconded.  Approved.


Pastor’s Report:  “Sept/Oct. has largely continued the patterns of the summer.  With one exception.  We are getting busier on Sundays and slowly adding events to our schedules.  In addition we are dealing with building issues and increased awareness of Covid 19 all around us.  Overall we have been navigating all of this relatively smoothly.  I am very thankful for many things- our council, our spacious facility, and our people who have been and continue to be very smart about all of this.  I certainly do welcome your prayers as we continue on this road.  (God keep us safe!)


Other news around here- youth ministry is doing tremendously well.  Thanks to Amy and much prayer- the momentum is still there.  (This was a big concern for me!)


We also received a significant contribution to the mental health- We Care team.  We are brainstorming on Thursday about what this will look like in tangible ways in the months ahead.  I am excited about the future of this group.


We did have a couple of funerals at the church last month.  And we have seen a lot of baptisms.


On a personal note- I am doing fine.  It was a complex month (six months) emotionally.  Still is….  God is bigger than my feelings and I am grateful for that- and as you should know by now- I am grateful for you too.  Thanks for all you do.  Pastor Kevin”


Pastor Kevin also stated that there seem to be more people attending church in the parking lot due to the current situation.  In addition, the youth team is doing well, but Sunday school seems to be floundering a bit.  Kristen noted that it appears that numbers are down this year.


Buildings and Grounds:  See attached team report file and “New Business”   The minutes are posted under the Building and Grounds tab


Youth:  John Penza informed council that the 2021 mission trip has been scheduled.  They youth are planning to go to a reservation in South Dakota.  Kids are signing up and chaperones are volunteering.  20-30 kids are showing up for youth group regularly.  The youth team meetings have now been moved inside.  There has been one Covid-19 exposure, but no one else has come down with it.  John relayed that even if kids are not showing up for the youth team meetings, they are staying in contact with Amy.


We Care:  Pastor Kevin said that the team is meeting again on October 22nd.  The team has been given a $10,000 donation.  They will be brainstorming programs to bring in (workshops on mental health/relationships, etc.).  They are also discussing the timing of these programs (how/when to do it).


Social Media:  “We will be meeting at 6pm tonight to try out some options for broadcasting the annual meeting as well as possibly future services and other activities.


We are now at 300 likes and 297 followers on Facebook, the average post gets just under 70 active engagements right now, and our YouTube messages have been holding steady.


The Social Media team will be meeting soon to discuss updates including the webpage, hiring a new web designer (we have one from the congregation in mind), and adding some features including calendars that can be subscribed to and managed by individual group or the social media team depending on interest now that some roadblocks have been removed. I’d like to look into better site and email hosting options as well. The hope is to have a plan mapped out and ready to roll out in the New Year.”


Sarah added that she and Wayne met and they will be able to stream the annual meeting so that people can attend virtually.


Jan asked how many people are on the social media team.  Sarah confirmed that right now it is just her and Wayne.  They are looking to grow the team.


Jan also asked if virtual attendees for the annual meeting will be able to have their votes counted.  Wayne said that they will count, because those attending virtually will be there, live, and others will be able to see them.  Sarah and Wayne noted that people will need to sign up and will be given a link to join the meeting live.


Jeff added that the meeting is scheduled for November 15th and this will be a meeting with a preliminary budget proposal (this would also normally include council member elections, but there are none this year).  There will also be a meeting in February 2021 to present the annual report with final numbers from the year.


Treasurer Report:

Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Financial Notes – October 20, 2020


The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of September 2020                $17,185

The Operating Budget Total Net Deficit for Month of September 2020              ($1,725)


Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of September 30, 2020 is $107,039.88

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of September 30, 2020 is $42,142.43 (this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of September, 2020 is $20,487.95



Operating Budget Explanation:


Our YTD income for Church Operations is lower than budgeted by ($5,288).  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is lower than budgeted by ($4,050), our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($2,944).


We received Scrip proceeds as of September 2020 $3,600 of our Fiscal Year.



We did budget for a ($14,648) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $17,185


It was also noted that there is a 3.75% interest rate on the mortgage which matures in 2022.  The mortgage is approximately $844,000.


Jeff let Gail know that we will need a check for $500.00 cut for ARC for the roof repair deductible.


Kristen Bjornstad made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report.  David Wein seconded.  Approved.


Stewardship:  Wayne is monitoring the church’s income related to offering.  Right now we are about $5000 under budget.  He added that the stewardship committee is morphing into something “different”.  They are handling offerings, marketing of the endowment fund and e-giving.  Members serving on this committee are Wayne Ludkey, Kate Pfaendtner, Vern Olson and Dennis Raatjes.  They are using this one committee for several functions rather than forming separate smaller groups for each thing.  The stewardship committee will discuss the Endowment Fund at the budget meeting.  They are calling this campaign the “Celebration of Generosity.”  Wayne added that if the endowment fund does better, that the gains could go toward larger projects.  Pastor Kevin asked about the enthusiasm level of the team members.  Wayne stated that the enthusiasm is very good, and added that if anyone knows others who may be interested, or would be a good fit, to let him know.




Reopening:  Jeff said that with the colder weather, the parking lot ushers should be by the front door and people should drive under the overhang [to get the bulletin and communion elements].  John P. commented that the main church entrance has been getting bottlenecked between services now with those coming/going/dropping off offerings [due to Sunday school], so this is a good idea.  Pastor Kevin said that we could try it this Sunday.


Jan asked if extra ushers would be needed for the confirmation service (2nd service on 10/25).  Pastor Kevin said that we should be OK.


Constitution:  Jan heard back from the synod office.  They only had one wording change.  There were no changes to the structure, but there are some numbering changes to be made.  She will have the report ready to get out by November 1st [to the congregation] so that everyone has it for review by the 11/15/2020 meeting.


Jeff asked if we could have separate preliminary budget and revise constitution handouts.  Jan added that she will be providing the whole constitution (not just the revised chapters) because the format was new for the synod in 2019.  Jan will also be adding a clause designed to give council the power to make decisions which require a greater than $10,000 payout in emergency situations.


Jeff asked Gail if she could the preliminary budget proposal out by 11/1/2020.  Gail confirmed that she could and she will include year-to-date numbers as well.


In regards to the budget, David asked it will be based on the reductions that are currently in place or will those items be added back in?  Gail said that groups/teams were asked for their budgets, large gifts that were received in 2020 were removed and that they look at how much the current expenses are, and add a small increase [usually 3%].  She added that the teams usually come in very close to what they budget (or under).


Jeff asked Gail to get an email out to council by 10/27 with the preliminary budget proposal.  A 5% decrease in revenue should be factored in.  He would like to get this out by 10/29 to be ready for 11/1.


Employee Handbook:  David sent this out via email.  The highlighted sections are where questions lie.  He may throw topics out to groups for discussion.  The handbook is a high level overview and will refer to the guidelines handbook.  Once questions have been discussed, David will bring the handbook back to council for review/approval.




Jill’s Resignation:  Jill will retire effective December 9, 2020.  Right now there are two part-time employees.  Jeff feels that we should keep it that way and would like to place an ad (bulletin/local newspapers/Craig’s list or Facebook).  Wayne noted that the details of this position were worked out before (job duties/hours/criteria/vacation).  Pastor Kevin thinks that Kerry Arent or Geoff Hendren may have put that together.


Jan asked if we should try to get someone in before Jill leaves (for training).  Jeff said that he would like to have a new hire in place by December 1st, so that he/she can work with Jill for a week (a hiring committee will be established).  Pastor Kevin said that Ellen can probably do the training, but there are still thing that Jill is showing her.  The office is using an old, cumbersome software program.  Wayne suggested that it may be time to update the software package.  Jeff would like to see a list from Jill, Ellen and Doris on which job duties each of them perform, so that it can be evaluated.  Jan will send out a list of the job duties and each of the ladies can cross out anything that they don’t do and add anything they do (if not on the list).


Jeff will email out the timeline he envisions for the hiring process.  Jeff asked Sarah to email him in a week or so to remind him about the ad for Facebook.  Current wages and starting wage for the new hire will be looked into and discussed by council.


Furnaces:  Jeff relayed that B & G is working with Oshkosh Heating and Cooling on getting three of the furnaces replaced.


John Penza made a motion to accept the B & G Furnace replacement proposal.  Wayne Ludkey seconded.  Council was unanimous.  Approved.


Jeff noted that six council members were present at the B & G meeting as well as Pastor Kevin and they all heard the presentation.  Jan added that it was a conscious decision to replace only three of the furnaces so that they won’t all need to be replaced at the same time in the future.  Jeff said that this replacement does include A/C replacement.  The rainy day fund, cash on hand and the Linda Zillges fund are all being utilize to pay for the furnace replacement.


Roof:  Six council members and Pastor Kevin were available at the B & G presentation regarding roof repair on 10/13/2020.


Jeff noted that it would cost $2589.60 to add on the utility building/dumpster building to the roof repair.  He also handed out the warranty information.  The church is in a wind tunnel and getting better shingles/better insulation was recommended (as opposed to replacing with the same quality that the building had).  The warranty was also recommended because if there is any wind damage in the future, it won’t be covered by insurance (this is the third roof claim for the current building).  It will cost $25,000-$30,000 extra, over what insurance is paying, to get higher quality shingles and the warranty.  Wayne suggested having a capital campaign as we would not want to exhaust the entire rainy day fund.


Gail confirmed that there is approximately $67,000 in a variety of funds PLUS the cash available in the checking account.  We would need to deduct the furnace and roof expense from these funds.

Jan Olson made a motion to approve the proposal to replace the roof ($25,613) with the warranty, not to exceed $30,000 out of pocket expense to Lord of the Lakes.  David Wein seconded.  Council was unanimous.  Approved.


Jeff added that it would cost approximately $2700, in addition to the expenses already discussed, to replace the roof on the dumpster shed.  This would just be for aesthetics and is not necessary.  Council does not support replacing the roof on the dumpster shed at this time.  Jeff will let Kate Pfaendtner know.





Women’s Group Service Project:  Kristen added that sign ups and an informational email will be going out to get ladies organized for the 11/27/2020 meal service date at Day by Day Warming Shelter in Oshkosh.


Wayne Ludkey made a motion to adjourn.  David Wein and Sarah Miller seconded.


Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  11/17/2020 at 6:30 p.m.