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December 8, 2020

PRESENT:  Daryl Ramlow, Tom Zillges, Brad Gasper, Betts Nikolai, Rick Pierre, Lou Zwicky, Jan Olson

Betts opened the meeting at 6:30 with an opening prayer.

We had no visitors.

Betts called for a vote to approve our October 13 minutes.  This is the meeting that we had with Council and representatives from ARC Roofing Co.  Majority approved. There was no meeting in November.

Review of Financials:  most attendees had seen the statement and there were no questions re: routine expenses.  The question was asked of how the furnaces and our portion of roof expenses were paid for.  Jan (on Council) explained that Lord of the Lakes has been hugely blessed through this Covid shut-down by giving from our membership as well as a PPP (Personnel Protection Plan) Grant that Council had applied for and was given through the SBA of WI back in May of 2020.  Thus, we had enough money in our Operational Fund to make those payments without having to hold a fund raiser or borrow or refinance and add to our mortgage. 

Review of Maintenance Schedule: Brad states it is up to-date though that is not reflected on the paper schedule in the office.  He will be sure to update that.  There was discussion on having an individual from the Team to volunteer to learn to do that in event Brad is unable to. This was a vital role that Warren had filled.  Brad assured us he is healthy at this point and is able to carry out those responsibilities.  Rick did volunteer to learn some of the duties and he and Brad will connect at some point. 

There were a couple Fire Alarms that went off in early morning hours while Brad was off ill.  Daryl was called and did come in, was here a couple hours each time, working with the fire alarm company (CEC).  Again, something Warren had previously done.  Daryl is willing to continue to help in that role if Brad is unavailable.  Thank you, Rick and Daryl for volunteering! 

Electrical System Update: Daryl had replaced and installed the entry way electric heater.  He noted a new one would cost $5-600 plus installation cost.  He went on eBay and was able to find one for $150 that appeared in good shape.  He installed it; it is working well – thank you Daryl! 

Daryl had come into the church during the roof and furnace installation processes.  He discovered Oshkosh H&A had removed the Prolon control system and thermostats on the 3 furnaces that were removed and said they had discarded the equipment.  He insisted they find it and bring it back.  They did and that equipment is stored in the basement.  It can be used for parts if needed on the systems remaining on the other 4 furnaces or ultimately sold if not needed.  They are expensive systems. 

Other:  Outside Lights:  Brad mentioned the timers have been changed as they weren’t going off and on at proper times.  They should go on at 4 pm and off at 10 pm due to various groups using our building in the evenings.  There is a huge expense to having them on all night.  However, the landscape lights should burn all night for security reasons.  There is one parking lot light bulb that needs to be replaced when we next have a lift here.  There are also two lights out on the canopy that will need to be changed when there’s a lift here.

Lift:  Daryl made mention that Tom had arranged for a couple guys to come in with a lift who were very good to work with and reasonable in cost last time we did outside lights.  Brad states his neighbor is in the process of purchasing a bucket lift for his tree cutting business and may do him a favor and bring it over to get the needed lights done at little or no cost. 

West Sanctuary outside door:  per Brad, hinges need to be replaced due to improper closure.  Daryl has hinges from his previous employment and will work with Brad to see if those will work. 

Garbage Pick Up Companies:  Lou was made aware that we are contracted with Waste Management. That contract is good for 5 years and is up on 3-13-2022.  The problem w that is we need to remember that as it will automatically update for another 5 years after that.  Per contract, to get out of it we need to give a 60-120-day certified notice prior to cancelling and within the time of contract they can increase our fees.  Lou will further research the alternatives we had previously decided to not use as they were only $10 per month cheaper than our present contractor (WM).  Likely there may be issues with who owns the bins and need to purchase or have a different company bring bins in.  We have some time since we are contracted till 3/2022.

Railings: Brad is still researching best way of doing those.  It has not been an issue as we are not going up for communion or having members go up to the stage area for any reason at this time due to Covid restrictions. 

Trim Large Tree in Parking Lot:  Tom knows an individual who is a Horticulturalist and very knowledgeable about trees.  He was given permission by the group to ask this person to come out and tell us what we should be doing for care of that tree in order to preserve it as long as possible. 

Jan distributed copies of our updated Constitution and the page that describes the operations of our B&G Team.  It is an FYI for B&G members to keep in their records.  Next Meeting:  as needed and notices will go out.  Closed meeting at 7:20.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Olson, Secretary