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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                 January 19, 2021


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, John Penza, Gail Gardner, John Macho, Kristen Bjornstad and Apryl Brantley


Devotion:  John Macho—Resilience/Coping Strategies

                  Devotion for February—John Penza


Approval of minutes:  John Penza made a motion to approve the November 2020 Council Meeting Minutes (council did not meet in December 2020).  Gail Gardner seconded.  Approved.


Gail’s Resignation:  Gail Gardner has submitted her letter of resignation from her position as treasurer on the Lord of the Lakes council.  She has been hired in the Lord of the Lakes office.  Apryl Brantley will be stepping into the role of treasurer (see below).


Pastor’s Report:  *See Attached “Pastor’s Report” document.  In addition, Pastor Kevin noted that the past Sunday was strange with church being cancelled last minute (threats of possible violence were circulating).  He commented that people really need hope right now.  Please let Pastor Kevin know if you (or anyone you know) are having a hard time.  Wayne suggested that once we can resume getting together (the way we used to), that we should plan events to bring people together.  Sarah noted that this year is the Lord of the Lakes 20th Anniversary, so we should definitely plan something.  Pastor added that we want all people to feel safe here and not go down any path of politics.

Buildings and Grounds:  Did not meet this month as there are no current issues or needs.  Jan did note that B & G is in need of a team leader/chairperson as Kate Pfaendtner has stepped down.


We Care:  Pastor Kevin stated that things are going well and met last week.  They are pushing to participate in equestrian therapy.


Youth:  John Penza announced that pizza sales are going on and a snow tubing event is being planned.  The “bus” for mission trip donations is up now.  Amy is getting approximately 25-35 kids attending youth group on Wednesdays, but not many kids are showing up on Sundays.


Social Media:  *See attached “Team Reports” document. 




Treasurer:  Apryl Brantly introduced herself and provided council with some background information (she has a mathematical background and has served as treasurer for other groups in the past).  Jeff noted that the role of the treasurer is to act as the liaison between staff and council (and to make sure that things get done).


Wayne Ludkey made a motion to nominate Apryl Brantly to become the Treasurer for the Lord of the Lakes council (per Jeff Jahnke’s recommendation).  John Penza seconded.  Approved unanimously.  Gail and Jeff will assist Apryl with this transition.


Pastor Kevin, Gail and Jeff are still working on the software being used in the office to streamline the work and job duties (see November 2020 council meeting minutes).  Jeff is also still planning a staffing review (who, in the office, is doing what?  Compare jobs being done against job descriptions and looking at software options available and their capabilities).


Treasurer Report:


Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Financial Notes – January 19, 2021


The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of December 2020            $56,865

With Capital Expenses a Surplus of $1,652

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of December 2020        $32,431


Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of December, 2020 is $83,721.74

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of December, 2020 is $44,897.04

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of December, 2020 is $22,051.13


Operating Budget Explanation:


Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $25,727.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $25,521, our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($3,544).


We received Scrip proceeds as of December 2020 $4,600 of our Fiscal Year.




We did budget for a ($19,531) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $56,865

With Capital Expenses a Surplus of $1,652 YTD


Wayne asked Gail if the $25,000 gift that was given is considered 2021 income?  Gail responded that it went into “cash flow”.


Kristen Bjornstad made a motion to approve the treasurer report.  Jan Olson seconded.


Jan also asked that someone look into the hours budgeted for Brad (maintenance).  The amount looked low to her.   Pastor Kevin suggested that Jan check with Brad to make sure he is submitting all of his time worked.  He should be getting paid for all that he is doing.



Stewardship:  *See attached “Team Reports” document.  Wayne added that everyone who committed during the stewardship campaign have really been keeping up with it.


Wayne would like to make sure that there is a system in place for accepting gifts.  Gail mentioned that large gifts already do get their own line item (under the “special events” category) if people designate where they want the money spent.  Wayne is suggesting that gifts be reviewed by the stewardship committee.  They could then sit down and discuss with the donor what is to be done with the funds (and there should be an established process for this).  Jeff agrees.  He stated that there are things that are being done, but the process does need to be tightened up (ADD TO AGENDA FOR THE FUTURE).


Wayne also suggested that we use the loose offering (or Thrift, or Scrip money) to start growing the endowment fund.  Gail said that we may want to be careful with this and just do something annually so that we don’t run into a bad cash flow situation if it is done monthly.  Pastor Kevin thinks that there may be other places to find End-of-Year excess funds to use for growing the endowment.


Jeff suggested designating a portion/percentage of funds raised during a benevolence drive (October/November time frame) to be directed to specific areas (including the endowment fund).  By then we will have an idea how the year is looking.




Constitution Update:  Meeting now and will do a vote via email and reach out to 33 members with no email.  301 adult members of the church, so we need 151 to get approval of the constitution.  Check with Ellen on responses…in person vote?  Final step—after congregational approval, the constitution needs to be sent to Synod office for final approval.


Employee Handbook:  Lead by David (not present today).  Update and action plan to come.


Reopening:  Jeff passed around a draft of a letter he put together to other ELCA congregations.  He would like to get other churches to sign the letter and approach the synod to try to get other churches to open.  Or use the letter as a tool to talk to other churches to see if they’re interested in reopening/encouraging them to open up.  John M. suggested having a group to help other churches reopen by sharing things that have worked.


Jeff would also like to start a discussion on science vs politics, and how we will move forward with reopening considering these things.  A discussion of continuing with our Facebook page with certain groups being censored was begun.  Some websites and social media pages are being shut down for certain groups, but Sarah reminded all that we keep all politics off of our pages and religious groups are not being censored at this time.





Sign campaign:  Marge Kohl was asking about the sign out front.  Jeff noted that we will table this discussion for a future meeting as the sign issue has been addressed multiple times over the past few years. There are estimates and previous discussion notes on file.


Social Media:  John P. asked if the 8 a.m. service could be recorded and be posted on YouTube by 10 a.m.  Then Pastor Kevin would not have to come in on Saturdays to record his sermon ahead of time.  Sarah added that she is working out all of the equipment needed for adequate livestreaming.  Wayne suggested that Sarah put together a wish list for the equipment she would want.  Pastor Kevin added that a donation was received for help with video service.


Pastor Kevin and Jeff want to discuss the plan to either keep the livestreaming of services going or shutting it down once we are fully open again.


John Penza made a motion to adjourn.  Jan Olson seconded.


Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  2/16/2021 at 6:30 p.m.