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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                 March 16, 2021


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jeff Jahnke, Sarah Miller, John Macho, Kristen Bjornstad and Apryl Brantley


Devotion:  Jeff Jahnke (Thought-provoking songs)

                      Devotion for April—Wayne Ludkey


Opening PrayerJeff Jahnke


Approval of minutes:  Apryl Brantley made a motion to approve the February 2021 Council Meeting Minutes.  Sarah Miller seconded.  Approved.


Pastor’s Report:  “Last month was very much like the preceding month.  Though I would say there is a renewed optimism in the coming of Spring!  Overall I believe people are hopeful for the future and that is a bit of a change from the last year. 


As a church we continue to see more people on Sundays.  Many have received their vaccinations.  So it’s great to see them return and to catch up a bit.  Youth group is still going very well.  Lent is going very well.  We continue to see larger than normal numbers for mid-week services.  (Some of this is admittedly because the youth have been joining in.) But overall I’ve really enjoyed this.  Planning for Holy Week and Easter are almost finished.  It is still an unusual year but feeling a bit more normal.


On a personal note- everything that can break in your house pretty much did last month.  So it has been busy at home getting everything fixed.  (And expensive!)  But we are nearing the end of the fix it list and I’m nearing the end of my energy level as well….. 


I am so thankful for my faith and our church.  This last year has very tangibly enforced my need for God and this community.  I don’t think I am alone in this.  Overall as much as I didn’t enjoy much about last year, I am finding some significant blessings that have grown right out of it.  Hope you are all well.  God is with us!”   Pastor Kevin


Buildings and Grounds:  Ben Manning is now in the role of B & G chairperson.  There was a proposal from B & G (work in the basement with Scouts…see February 2021 council meeting minutes).  Council discussed this in February and approved 50% of the funds and work to be covered by Lord of the Lakes.  Jeff will talk to Betts.

We Care:  Team is going well.


Youth:  Youth team continues to grow.  Pizza sales were really good.




Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Financial Notes – March 16, 2021


The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of February 2021            $9,318

The Operating Budget Total Net Deficit for Month of February 2021        ($1,996)


Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of February 2021 is $102,231.55

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of February 2021 is $49,855.74

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of December 2020 is $22,051.13


Operating Budget Explanation:


Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $7,197.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $5,298 our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($58).


We received Scrip proceeds as of February 2021 $2,000 of our Fiscal Year.




We did budget for a ($4,745) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $9,318


Kristen Bjornstad made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report.  John Macho seconded.


Apryl confirmed that the entire PPP loan that was taken, [for help with salaries, utilities etc.] near the beginning of the pandemic, was forgiven.


Apryl also added that Gail has been gone, but when she gets back, Ellen, Gail, Doris and Apryl will meet again to go through the software in the office (programs, capabilities etc.).


Stewardship:  *See attached “Team Reports” document.  Jeff would like council to look over the gifting procedures document that Wayne sent out so that we can discuss and approve the procedure at our April meeting.  Any questions should be directed to Wayne.


Apryl noted that, in skimming the procedure document, she has concerns about telling people that they can’t designate their gift go to a specific area within the church.  She feels that it may discourage people from giving gifts.  Jeff and Sarah added that people can designate a specific area/category, but they cannot get too specific.  Pastor Kevin said that in the past there were issues with too many categories and the effect that has on the budget.  Jeff reiterated that all question, comments and suggestions should be email to Wayne.




Employee Handbook:  David is working on this.  Item will carry over to April meeting.


Constitution Update:  Jeff feels it would be easier to get the number needed to ratify the constitution at an all-church gathering.  Pastor Kevin noted that there have been a greater number of people here on Sundays and Apryl added that we even ran out of chairs at one service and had to add more.  Jeff thought that with more people coming into church now, that we could put a ballot in the bulletin to get enough votes to ratify the constitution.


Electronic Communication:  *See Social Media section of attached “Team Reports” document.  Pastor Kevin asked who would be able to access the calendar.  Sarah said that the office would control the main calendar, but other people/groups will have their own (ex. Pastor, Music etc.) and can update their calendars which will automatically update the main calendar as well.


Sarah will be meeting with Becky Atkinson (from Basically Digital, LLC) for assistance with the website.  She said that we need to figure out what we want the website to do before she has this meeting.   Sarah asked Jeff if he has the information for the person he mentioned at the February meeting for website consultation.  Jeff said that he wasn’t getting back to him.  He suggested looking into getting assistance from an intern in Web Design from Moraine Park Technical College.  Sarah added that Becky understands faith-based organizations and their specific needs.  Plus, she is able to meet within the next two weeks.


Sarah also noted that she is getting feedback from people about streaming the services.  People are very grateful for it (reaching both members and non-members).


Jeff said that he would like to see a mobile app designed for the church.


Reopening:  “Faith over Fear”—moving forward.  Jeff said that the church Jan Olson attends while in FL has “Faith Over Fear” signs and he has ordered some.  Sarah asked if there would be any additional discussion as we move forward and the statewide mask mandate is lifted.  She noted that there are a few more people not wearing masks on Sunday.  Pastor Kevin and Jeff said that the guidelines from the Governor’s office are to do nothing/say nothing.  We will adopt a “no harassment” policy.  Jeff distributed the county’s CoVid 19 tracker and noted that natural progression is that as more people are vaccinated, more people will choose not to wear masks.




Jeff compiled a list of churches in the East Central Synod district and is sending out a letter to them to address reopening.


2021 Calendar of Events: 


Events:  Jeff thought that with more people coming back that we would want to look at putting together some church functions/events.  We need to start planning (ideas include a 20th anniversary celebration).  Pastor Kevin suggested doing a church/community celebration this year instead of a “fundraiser”.  He noted that we should check with Jan if we want to do a raffle (or something similar) because we may need a special license for that.  We could put the money/proceeds toward a different sign.  He suggested September for this event.  Jeff agrees that we should target September for a big event.


Jeff suggested doing an outdoor service at Lord of the Lakes (maybe rent a tent).


Sarah asked about doing the June Pontoon even for the women.  Pastor said he is planning to do the Boats, Bibles and Beverages for the men, so he felt there would be people willing to do it.


Sign:  Jeff asked if we want to do a capital campaign for the sign.  Pastor suggested just asking people for contributions vs a “campaign”.  Kristen said that we should figure out exactly what we want and how much it will cost before we ask for contributions.  Pastor Kevin likes the sign for the Ryf Road church and something like that may not be very expensive.  Jeff said that he will talk to Betts.


New Council Members:  Jeff would like 3-4 names from each council members for future council candidates (have names by our April meeting).


Counting Procedure:  Jeff said that our money counting procedure needs to be revamped.  We should see what other churches do and check with others in the congregation who have experience working with money/basic accounting skills.  Jeff asked Sarah if we could put out a survey.  Sarah said that we can, she just needs the questions that need to be asked.



Jeff Jahnke made a motion to adjourn.  Sarah Miller seconded.


Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin


Next Meeting:  4/20/2021 at 6:30 p.m.