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PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Brad Gasper, Daryl Ramlow, Dave Smolinski, Jan Olson, Rick Pierre

MEETING OPENED at 6:30pm:  Jan opened with a prayer.  Jan also thanked the group as a whole for hard work over the last few months.  Jan passed along that Pr Kevin expressed his appreciation of the property, inside and outside appearing in the best shape and cleanest it has been since he has been here.


Routine Maintenance:  no issues

ALTAR RAILS:  Brad’s contact is in process building the rails; they will be anchored to the steps.

BASEMENT PARTITIONS:  Basement has been cleaned up so work can begin. 

Lumber prices continue to be double or more in cost but likely will not be coming down in any near future.  Brad suggested he make one and determine if this is what we really want to do to solve the problem plus we would have a better idea of actual cost per partition.  The Team agreed this is a good way to proceed and Brad will move forward. 

BATHROOM FANS:  The fans are here and Brad just needs time to get the work done.

WATER HEATER:  Brad has spoken with Pete from Cascade who sold and installed the equipment.  Pete will come, open it up and drain it the rest of the way so it can be properly cleaned out.  Brad will be recontacting him as his time allows.

WEST SANCTUARY EXIT DOOR:  Does not open easily and takes strength to reclose it.  It’s bad enough that we have been written up by the fire inspector on their routine inspection.  No timeline written on their report.  Tom Zillges had Albright Construction here to replace the east exit door off the basement staircase about 6-8 months ago.  This door seems to be doing the same – not closing properly, rusting, and paint is chipping away. Brad will contact Tom re: Albright coming to look at this door. 

SPRING CLEAN UP per Jan —  We had a good amount of help and got the following accomplished:

MULCH LANDSCAPED AREA:  Completed with putting a total of 6 yards on.

WINDOWS and CUPBOARD FRONTS:  All door windows done and kitchen and breakfast bar fronts washed down

BASEMENT: Everything deemed unusable removed – about half discarded in our garbage and recycle containers and a truckload went to Thrift.  The Youth carried it all upstairs and out for us.  The air hockey and foosball tables were advertised on Facebook Marketplace as need some repair, free for the hauling and they were given to a member from our church who responded.  Plan to advertise the sale of 25 of the 35 older blue chairs ($5 each or 6 for $25), the 59” round brown table ($50) and the air compressor (B&G agreed could possibly get $50-75 for it). 

“Piles’ that remain in basement belong to Scouts and against the west wall are props created by Tammy F Voekel for various plays and performances.  Betts had said she would contact Tammy and see what if anything she wants kept.

WEED PATROL:  Beverly Raatjes is taking the lead on that and has reported all her workers are returning and she is working on a schedule for them.

TREE/SHRUB TRIMMING:  Ben asked if there was a plan.  Unknown and Ben will contact Beverly.  Likely if anyone is doing it routinely it is Dave Klemp.

WINDOW WASHING:  Betts has said she will complete the inside and suggested we hire our preferred vendor to wash the outside as it has not been done in at least a couple years.  Jan will follow up on that re: budget monies left and cost at this time.

SIGN BY HIGHWAY:  Ben had a friend look at it and stated he can spray it down and clean it up for $100. Ben to verify with him that it is Styrofoam to be sure it holds up w spray washing. 

ALGEA CONTROL IN POND:  Recently cleaned up once already by Dave Klemp.  Rick did research on best way of handling.  Aeration might be best but may need to be in combination with other methods.  Costly and unsure if there is electricity out there.  Chemicals work but disappear quickly with rain and need to be reapplied frequently.  He was able to get ‘Barley Straw Bales’ from a friend and several are anchored out towards the middle.  This has been reported to work fairly well some of the time so we will see.

PREFERRED VENDOR LIST:  needs to be updated; Jan got info in some areas and will research the rest and redo.

ELECTRICAL:  Daryl reminded us that if for whatever reason, drilling thru the concrete floor of the Narthex or Sanctuary needs to be done, he or Brad should be contacted.  PVC conduits with wires run just under the concrete and drilling thru those could be a huge problem.  The same applies outside in a couple areas and the lawn mower has been going over some of them.  Daryl flagged one of the more dangerous areas near the Sanctuary Air Conditioner and feels putting a metal plate into the ground may prevent that problem.  In reality, all the wires under concrete and outside should have been dug down much deeper than what they are. 


B&G SUMMER MEETINGS:  We have suspended meeting June, July, and Aug. the past two summers and it worked okay.  Team agreed to do same this year.  Ben will contact Brad periodically to check in on projects and if there are issues we should know about.  They will let Jan know if the Team members should be updated or are needed to help and she will do that via email. 

NEXT MEETING:  SEPT. 14 .                       

Respectfully submitted, Jan Olson, Secretary