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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                 May 18, 2021

Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, John Macho, Kristen Bjornstad, Apryl Brantley and Sarah Miller.

Opening Prayer—Pastor Kevin

 Devotion:  Discussion on prayer.  Led by Apryl Brantley

Devotion for June—David Wein

Approval of minutes:  Jeff Jahnke made a motion to approve the April 2021 Council Meeting Minutes.  Apryl Brantley seconded.  Approved.

Pastor’s Report: “It has been a great month at the church.  I have been very encouraged to see attendance on the rise.  Also excited to still be meeting new people almost every week.  I do think the last year, with all of its difficulties, has made people rethink some life habits.  Church seems to be coming out on the top of the to do list for many right now.  I am not used to this!  But I love it.

Church business has been going well.  Youth ministry is still holding steady.  With the starting of sport and other activities, there is a bit of drop off on Wednesday nights but honestly not as much as I expected.  I know my daughter really enjoys it (and has even had some of her friends attend without my prompting!)  Financially things are still going well.

On a personal note- I am still encountering a couple of situations where people are not rebounding.  This last year has IMO been extremely difficult for the older aged, and the school aged (middle and high school perhaps most).  Many youth are different- somewhat changed, more grown up perhaps (ie- less care free).  This saddens me.  (Thus I am less care free too 🙂

I am hopeful for the future.  I know God is with us in all that is yet to come.  So I don’t worry too much.  But I do find myself having a hard time not second guessing the way the last year was dealt with all around us.  Do pray for our church, community, town, and world.  As always I am very thankful for all of you and the work you have done and continue to do behind the scenes here in the church.  I have been so pleasantly surprised by the strength this church has shown through all of this.  I know you have all inspired me.  Hope you feel the same about each other.

I also want to remind us all that we are brothers and sisters in Christ.  There are still many topics that seem to be driving wedges between people.  We can change this by example.  We as the church understand the concept of grace much better than most.  It is certainly time to live it out.  Please overcome your own pride to find that space of grace where we accept others ideas and opinions.  I am inclined to think that everyone believes they are doing their best with the information they have been given.  We will not agree on everything with everyone.  (We never have!)  And right now we need to continue to pray for unity in the body of Christ.  (The body is made of many different parts- not all the same).

May God unite us and bless us!  Pastor Kevin”   Pastor Kevin added that the past month has felt different—more positive!

Council members present had a discussion regarding Communion and moving forward/away from the sealed individual cups:  Pastor Kevin felt that it is probably not OK at this time to go back to the method of communion by intinction. He suggested using metal trays filled with individual plastic cups filled with wine/grape juice (one designated person to hand out rather than having the congregation each take their own from the tray).  July 4th is the target date to have this new method of communion up and running.  Pastor Kevin will check on the availability of the trays.

Jan also asked if we should start having people fill out name tags again (there are a lot of new members).  Pastor Kevin and council agreed that this is a good idea (individuals can use sanitizer after touching pens/markers).

Buildings and Grounds:  [Submitted by Jan Olson] Spring Cleanup successful with a good number of volunteers.  Projects completed:  mulch spread in central landscaped area as well as some by shrubs at pond; door windows washed and cabinet fronts wiped down in kitchen and breakfast bar; basement cleaned out of many unneeded items. Youth did the ‘hauling’ for us.

Plan to sell 3 items:  an air compressor, a 60 in. round conference table, and 25 blue/chrome chairs.

Question:  windows have not been washed on outside in 2-3 years.  Can this be done by an outside vendor?  Inside to be done by Betts.

Brad’s projects in addition to routine maintenance work:

—overseeing building and installation of altar rails

—building one basement partition to see if that is what we want and actual cost (lumber costs continue to be very high!)

—reinstallation of bathroom fans

—continuing work to flush water heater w help of Kascade in order to resolve odor in kitchen

—we’ve been ‘written up’ on routine Fire Inspection because exit door from west side Sanctuary is jammed. Also is rusting and paint peeling.  Brad working with Tom as he had Albright Construction replace our east exit door in basement stairwell as it had done the same thing.  But this has to be done!

Beverly Raatjes is organizing the Weed Patrol team again.  Ben Manning going to be trimming trees and shrubs at appropriate time.

Rick Pierre and Dave Klemp working on ways to control algae growth in pond.

Oshkosh H&A here to fire up new Air Conditioner to be sure it works due to installation in winter.  Brad and Rick present to learn to troubleshoot system if needed.

Ben working with friend to get road sign cleaned up – cost $100.  Temporary fix while replacement cost researched and decision on fund raiser.

B&G Team not meeting till Sept. unless need arises.  Please read B&G article in June Newsletter.  Thank you’s going out to many!”

Council discussed West Door issue.  Jeff Jahnke made a motion to have Albright repair the door (in the same manner we worked with them to repair the East door in the past with similar pricing and scope of work.  B&G committee will review the scope of the work and verify similar pricing to the past work and verify work by Albright Construction will satisfy the fire code violation).  Apryl Brantly seconded.  Approved.

It is believed that the outside windows were last cleaned in 2014 and that it cost around $400 then.  Jeff and John M. said that the windows don’t look bad, so is there a desire to have it done now?  Pastor Kevin added that Dave Klemp cleans the windows (that can be easily reached) often.  Council feels that the windows are OK for now.

We Care:  Pastor Kevin said that the team will meet next in June 2021.  He has received positive feedback on the cards that were sent out to those in long term care facilities.  We still can’t do the “big” things, but the small things are very important.

Youth:  Pastor Kevin said that the youth are planning/finalizing the mission trip.  There may have been a few kids who have dropped out.

 Social Media:  Sarah said that services are not being recorded anymore.  There were only about 11 people viewing.  Pastor Kevin also added that there are still some people attending church in the parking lot, but he may be looking to have this discontinued soon (broadcasting the service limits which piano can be used for music).

Sarah noted that communication to get items posted on Social Media in a timely fashion needs to be improved.


 Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Financial Notes – May 18, 2021

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of April 2021            $24,749

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of April 2021       $ 3,437

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of April 2021 is $104,543.71

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of April 2021 is $53,237.85

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of March 2021 is $22,873.81

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $21,032.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $17,648 our Loose Offering is higher than budget by $15.

We received Scrip proceeds as of April 2021 $2,000 of our Fiscal Year.


We did budget for a ($9,489) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $24,749

 Pastor Kevin asked if the credit card giving is through texting.  Apryl said that it is all grouped together (texting/recurring payments via credit card).  Pastor Kevin asked Apryl if she is involved with the year-end review.  She said no.  Pastor Kevin said that Gail and Andy met and that it is going well.  Apryl has been meeting with the rest of the office staff and they are going through the computer software.

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report made by Kristen Bjornstad.  Seconded by Jan Olson.  Approved.

Stewardship:  Things are going well.  There were some questions about categories to be put on the printed offering envelopes (for directing giving).  Pastor Kevin verified that the envelopes currently have “General,” “Good Samaritan,” and “other.”  No change is needed.  These are the categories needed for the envelopes.


 Employee Handbook:  Jeff put out an inquiry to other ELCA councils and received 3 responses.  He has forwarded the information received to David Wein.

Constitution Update:  Jan received an email with suggestions for changes/upgrades to the constitution that Lord of the Lakes submitted.  She needs to go through these suggestions.  The constitution is still with the [synod] review committee.




Event:  The date for a September event was discussed.  Kristen suggested/reminded that combining the 20th anniversary event with rally day was discussed.  September 12th, 2021 (after the second service) is the date being looked at/scheduled.

Pastor Kevin suggested that council provide the main meat for the event and other members of the congregation can bring side dishes.

Jan said that she can help with the event, but doesn’t want to chair.  Jeff is going to talk to Becky Jahnke.

Sarah thinks she may be able to do something with youth archery for the event.  Kristen reminded that having David Wein’s band play was discussed previously.  We could also ask about having the high school polka band play.

 New Council Members:  Sarah Miller and Jeff Jahnke will need replacements as their terms are up at the end of the year.  Sarah said that she will still do social media once she is no longer on council. John M. provided two names of members he feels may be interested in serving on council.

Business Management Team:  Jeff is still planning to work on putting the business management team together.  This team would be comprised of past council presidents, the treasurer, the current council president and 2 or 3 members of the congregation with business backgrounds.

Jan Olson made a motion to adjourn.  Jeff Jahnke seconded.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin

Next Meeting:  6/15/2021 at 6:30 p.m. (social meeting instead of formal council meeting, possibly at John Macho’s house, to stay on track—several council members will not be available for a meeting on June 15th)