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PRESENT: Wayne Ludkey, Apryl Brantley, Pastor Kevin, David Wein, John Macho, Jan Olson

  Guest: Dianna Donner

Meeting was hosted by John Macho at his home – thank you John.

Meeting was opened by Wayne.  David presented the devotion about showing compassion and taken from the book of Paul.

Pastor Kevin’s report:  Things are feeling more normal though it looks to be busier than the usual summer season at church.  Attendance has slowly increased and that has been very good.  People are slowly returning.  Fellowship is also slowly returning between services.

He and the family just returned from a week away and they had a very good time.

Financial Report: 

Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Financial Notes – June 15, 2021

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of May 2021            $30,076

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of May 2021       $ 5,327

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of May 2021 is $112,673.14

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of May 2021 is $51,563.06

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of March 2021 is $22,873.81

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $22,623.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $19,189 our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($87).

We received Scrip proceeds as of May 2021 $2,600 of our Fiscal Year.


We did budget for a ($11,862) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $30,076

Financials are looking very good and there was discussion surrounding using some of our surplus for special projects or community outreach.

Discussed were:  1) Contribute towards Youth Mission Trip – Pastor Kevin will check with Amy re: what their needs are at this point for this year.  Perhaps set aside for another year to support changes to the trips that have been discussed.

 2) The start of funds for an addition to give adequate room for Youth.   3) Build a baseball diamond on the east side of our property for use by Youth

4) Sign replacement – Wayne suggested asking for ideas from members on what our sign should look like and how to accomplish that. 

Post-Covid Issues:

Communion process discussed:  Jan estimated per the financials, we are spending approx. $225 per month greater than budgeted, likely for the disposable sets.   It would cost close to $300 up front for communion trays, etc.  So expense-wise it makes sense to purchase the trays in order to get back to a more personal communion process.  However, she voiced the larger concern is finding volunteers to fill the small cups before each service. 

Due to the potential for contamination with Intinction, some voiced concern with ever going back to Intinction.  Dianna, guest suggested we have people file up to get their disposable communion sets up front rather than having ushers hand out. 

For now, Ellen just ordered another approximately 6 week supply of the disposable sets.  Pastor Kevin will give this some additional thought and we will table it until Fall.

Services: Pastor will continue to record the U Tube sermons with 30-50 views per week.

Parking lot:  it is thought that there are one or two out there yet, likely first service.  It is suggested that an usher tour the lot at start time each service to be sure we are not missing people who have not come in to pick up bulletins and communion sets.

Sanitizing Chairs:  it is felt this process should continue.

Employee Handbook:  David has reached out to Dawn Barber who works as an HR Director.  They are meeting on June 30 to begin work on it.

Celebration of our 20th Anniversary and reopening:  Names were suggested for a committee and should have a couple charter members on the committee.  Suggestions from this group:  have it right after services on Sunday, 9/12, invite guest speakers – Pr Gordon Estenson (now retired and still living in Minn.) and Pr Hanusa (if still healthy enough to do this), do some raffles as fun for the kids, etc. and ‘mini’ fundraiser for Youth, do a meal with LOL furnishing the main course.  Jan will check the Charter board and start working on getting a committee together. 

Pastor Kevin closed meeting with a prayer and we then enjoyed the venue and Ice Cream Sundays. 

Respectfully submitted, Jan Olson, acting Secretary