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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                 July 20, 2021


Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, John Macho, Sarah Miller and Kristen Bjornstad.


Guest:  Amy Penza


Opening Prayer—Pastor Kevin

 *Please note that this meeting is to discuss the upcoming September 12, 2021 Anniversary/Celebration Event.  No other topics are being discussed this month.  Normal meetings will resume in August 2021.

 Pastor Kevin suggested that we first decide what type of event to have first (before making other decisions)…

Kristen and John M. are in favor of keeping it simple.

Pastor Kevin said that the surprise party that was set up for his birthday was great, so he thought having a pot luck, putting up some banners and having some speakers (former Pastors and/or those from LOL who went on to seminary and now have their own congregations).

Wayne added that simple is good and that he doesn’t feel we need a craft fair.  He thought maybe we would want to do just one service.  Kristen noted that this is also Rally Sunday, so it will be the first day of Sunday School.  We could not have one service at 9 am if we were thinking of starting at this “between services” time slot.  Jeff said that we should keep it to the two normal service times and call it a picnic/anniversary celebration.

Pastor Kevin said that we can set up tables outside and plan for it to be outdoors.  If weather prohibits, we can move inside.

Pastor Kevin and Jan Olson will contact the former Pastors as well as Sally, Stacy and Karyn to see if they are able to come to the celebration.  Jan will check with Sally and Gordon and ask if they want to speak—perhaps a few memories/stories from LOL and what the church has meant to them.  Jeff suggested that if someone is unable to attend, they could record something for YouTube and submit it.  Sarah said that she would be able to put something together that could play during the event.


Amy checked food prices from the Meat Block and Parker Johns.  Pastor Kevin and Kristen asked if Karen Zwicky had been contacted.  Jan said that had not been done yet.  Amy will check with Karen about getting pulled pork and hot dogs through her.  Council will provide the meat/buns as well as drinks.  Drinks will be Lemonade, bottled water, coffee and milk (Kristen will take care of getting these items). 

PamUlness volunteered to head up a pie contest.  This will be dessert.  Pastor Kevin and any former Pastors/those from LOL who went on to become Pastors will be the judges.

Pot luck will be the format for additional food items.  Amy will put the pot luck sign-up out on August 8th.  Ice cream and toppings will be added to the sign-up sheet so that if someone does not want pie, they could have an ice cream sundae.

Wayne suggested that we have servers for the pot luck (fewer hands touching utensils) and that council members should be the servers.  We will set up the food table inside and council can serve from one side of the table.

Kids Activities:

Amy checked prices on a bounce house (approximately $180.00).  Price isn’t bad, but we would need volunteers to monitor the bounce house.  Jan will check with Katie Hale to see if she is interested in doing face painting.  Amy will check with Sarah Walsh about the possibility of running a cornhole tournament and/or carnival games.  Jeff suggested a parachute for the kids to play with.  Sarah said that she has one.

Craft Fair:  Council feels that this is something we do not need at this time.  This event can be saved for a future fundraiser.

Raffle:  We will not hold a raffle at this event.

Memorabilia:  Mary Al is putting together a memorabilia display.

Music:  Not necessary for this event.

Photographer:  Jan checked with Kim Radtke.  Sarah said that her father-in-law, Ron Miller, may be able to do this as well and has done a lot of photography work for the church before.  An article and photos will also be submitted to the Winneconne News.

Tent:  No tent needed.

Open to Community:  If this is going to mainly be a celebration and not a fundraiser, it may not be necessary to advertise to the community.  An article about the upcoming event can be submitted to the Winneconne News if desired.


Sarah said that we should start putting a call for volunteers in the bulleting, but we need to determine how many are needed and what they are needed for…

Set up for event prior to 9/12/2021:  4 volunteers

In-kitchen help (day of):  4-6 volunteers

Take down (day of):  4 volunteers

Kids Activities:  6 volunteers (so they can take turns during the event)

Other Items (not related to 9/12 celebration)

Playground Equipment:  Amy would like to present ideas for tidying up the playground equipment.  This item will get put on the agenda.

Sign:  Wayne said he had dome logo ideas submitted, but not real designs for the full sign.  He will follow up with an email.

 Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin

 Next Meeting:  8/17/2021 at 6:30 p.m.