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PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Betts Zillges, Tom Zillges, Dave Smolinski, Rick Pierre, Daryl Ramlow, Jan Olson, Guest: Wayne Ludkey

Meeting opened by Ben at 6:30 and prayer said by Jan

Brad is on vacation for about 6 weeks; Rick covering for routine things. Due to that, Jan had typed the items that were sent to her from Brad. 

                —HVAC in sanctuary: gms (Gartman) was in to check furnace/ac for that section of building. discovered unit running on 1 stage only d/t dead mice/nests and wires disconnected, repaired.  Brad and Pr Kevin shown how it set it for other stages of the ac manually. fresh air exchanger portion not wired and in bad shape.  cost will be approx. $4000.  ben will try to reach brad to see timeline on this.  it will put our 2021 b&g budget over but should be okay to replace if we need to do it this year.  ben to follow-up.

gms also recommending insulation on suction piping; cost $382. brad can do it for much less and will do when he returns.

                —sanctuary west door:  fixed for now by albright but does need replacement. quote received from tri-city glass — $1,700 + 650 for painting it.  it is felt that is a reasonable price plus it is difficult to get a construction co. to come as it’s a small project in their busy schedules.  dave to contact tri-city to get process started and he will paint when it comes in, before it’s installed.

                —cracked well cap: believe from lawn mowers.  brad fixed. discussion on protecting it by landscaping or purchase of a lawn décor item.  will ask brad to follow up.

                —water heater:  brad had kascade in; removed bottom valve and replaced anode rod. lots of ‘junk’ in bottom of tank cleaned and piece of anode rod broke off.  inspection cover parts ordered and brad will finish when he returns. at this point, heater working well and foul odor resolved.  question asked why kaskade was used. no one knew – tom will talk w brad when he gets home.  we had previously decided sbs would be our vendor of choice. 

                —partitions in basement:    brad feels prices have come down enough those can now be built.  suggested we advertise in church communication for people who do carpenter work to perhaps volunteer time to do that if brad doesn’t have time or brad needs help. 

                —alter rails: done, working well, look very nice.  thank you, brad!

                —routine maintenance: believed it is up todate but need to check list housed in office.

electrical work:  per daryl.  motor on bathroom exhaust fans replaced earlier in summer by daryl and brad.   had one recent unexplained fire alarm at 2am – building checked thoroughly by daryl and nothing found.

basement: still pretty cleaned up. primary piles of ‘stuff’ belong to scouts, awaiting partitions. unused items thrown out, hauled to thrift or gifted or sold on fb.

highway sign:  prentation by wayne ludke from council and samples shown on video. compared appleton sign and creative sign (company out of depere) for design and price.  both companies said a 2-sided message board cost adds approx. $15,000.  discussion on size and contruction material — wayne will continue to research. recomendations/concensus from b&g:  preliminary — use creative sign, 1st option shown, and the message board.  message changes can be run from a computer or cell phone app. 

pond: dave klemp had sent a history of the pond.  ben explained that what we have is a retention pond, not a pond put in for esthetics.  due to run-off from various sources, we should not have to worry about or place extra expense into cleaning weeds/algea out.  it has also been suggested if we have huge issues with it, we should get winnebago cty involved since they are using it to collect run-off from the highway ditches too. also, should continue to have muskrats removed to protect banks – we believe brad has a friend doing that but that needs to be verified.

landscaping:  beverly raatjes and many others plus ‘weed patrol’ volunteers have done a great job and we have gotten many many compliments.

ben presented the companies he and an anonymous member donor had worked with to do a ‘5 year landscaping plan for the future’.  the donor wishes to use van zealand and they are moving forward with that plan.

fall clean-up: after church calendar, packer schedule, checking with key people, and time to advertise for help factored in, date set:  november 7th at 11 am. note date change after b&g meeting.   lou to be asked to stake islands for snowplow at appropriate time again. 

meeting closed at 8pm.  next meeting october 12.