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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                               September 21, 2021

Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, John Macho and Kristen Bjornstad

Non-voting meeting—not enough council members present for a quorum

Opening Prayer and DevotionPastor Kevin

            Devotion for October—Jeff Jahnke

            Devotion for November—need volunteer

Approval of Minutes:  N/A

Pastor’s Report:  “A Great month for the church!  Thank you to all who helped out at the anniversary.  That was a truly amazing day for our church.  It was really great to see so many faces and visitors on that day.  It was a surprising amount of work to make that all happen.  Thanks again to Jan for organizing so much of that.

Then last week’s youth service was also a great Sunday.  I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did.  It was wonderful to see so many of our youth expressing significant experiences from that trip.  Worship team reconvened after a long break.  We have some plans I’m very excited about for October.  It will be a healing and forgiveness theme.  Something I think we all need during these unusual days.  God loves us all!  Please never forget that. 

I was able to attend Stacy Pethke’s installation in Little Saumico on Sunday afternoon.  It was great to catch up with her.  I was also able to meet the new Bishop of our synod.  I like her.  Please do pray for her as her job is very difficult right now. 

Overall things have continued to go well at the church.  There is a low-grade stress and anxiety that I notice in most people.  I do think our faith can have a significant impact on these things.  I notice some people are taking faith to a new place in their own lives.  I hope you are too! 

On a personal note, it has been a difficult month for me.  My mother has been diagnosed with cancer.  This is a long story.   She was supposed to be moving this month, but that is all now on hold and the future move and treatment are currently in limbo.   In addition, we have experienced a significant number of people in the church with similar problems.  That all gets kind of heavy.  I pray a lot.   

To leave us on a positive note- Amy appears to have been accepted into seminary and that is soon to be underway.  (I spent some time talking to the bishop’s assistant recently, and I think we have almost all the details in place. Hurray!)  So, looks like the future of the church is bright, come what may.

I look to October as a time of healing and a time of unity here at our church.  I hope we can all come together and find the grace and forgiveness within us that God has called us to.  I hope you will all be a part of that. 

Thanks for all you do!  Pastor Kevin”

Wayne added that he came away from the anniversary celebration excited about what we could be doing (he was inspired by hearing the stories from former pastors and members about the passion that went into forming the church).  Pastor Kevin noted that there has been less “planning” due to the current situation.  All have been tentative about planning events/activities out of concern that things will be cancelled.

Wayne asked if we should resume broadcasting the service to the parking lot if there are still people staying away.  Pastor said that it’s easy to do if needed.

Money Matters

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of August 2021            $19,419

The Operating Budget Total Net Deficit for Month of August 2021         ($1,573)

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of August 2021 is $100,067.18

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of August 2021 is $59,144.25

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of June 2021 is $24,117.75

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $6,960.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $3,786 our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($490).

We received Scrip proceeds as of August 2021 $3,300 of our Fiscal Year.


We did budget for a ($18,979) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $19,419

Jeff noted that we will need to have 90% of the budget in October as November 14, 2021 is the annual meeting/budget presentation.  Jeff would like Apryl to start sending out the budget requests to all departments.

Wayne relayed that Ellen said the copier repair person has said that we need a new copier.  Wayne wasn’t sure why, so we need to find out the reason before we move ahead with replacing.  Ellen is going to get quotes.

Wayne asked who the council rep for the office is.  Pastor Kevin stated that it is probably him, but we may need to assign someone else.


 “This month the focus was on relief for hurricane Ida victims and reminding folks there is no “stuff” in heaven. I also became the defacto new sign point person.

Over a two week period we collected $757 dollars for hurricane relief. $200+ of that came from donations from the 20th anniversary potluck. We have a very generous congregation. The office will send a check with our donation to Lutheran Disaster Response, part of ELCA’s hurricane relief program.

Stewardship messaging also reminded congregation members “there is no stuff in heaven”, suggesting people name Lord of the Lakes as a beneficiary on various holdings. As we all know, you can’t take it with you, so our church could do good work in the community.

A new outside sign project is coming together. We have been working with proposals from Creative Sign Company out of DePere and Appleton Sign Company. Both companies have gone back to the drawing board after their initial proposals. The building and grounds committee is leaning towards a sign with electronic messaging. If we go that route it is likely we will need a stewardship fundraising campaign for the sign. 

Blessings, Wayne”

Wayne added that the new technology for the electronic component of the sign makes it look like a photo and it can be programmed a long time in advance.  However, this is a very expensive option.  Council members present discussed whether it is worth it/necessary to pay the extra money to have electronic messaging on the sign.  Jeff suggested that we cap how much money we are willing to spend on a new sign and stay within those parameters.  Kristen feels that most people will drive by and see the name/denomination of the church and if they are interested or want more information they will look it up online.  She felt that we should invest more money in people and programs.

Pastor Kevin asked Wayne if the service times on the static sign light up.  Wayne said that could be done and all thought this was a good idea.

Buildings and Grounds

Report submitted via email by Jan Olson…

“The Team reconvened on Sept. 14 and welcomed back Ben Manning (Chair), Daryl Ramlow, Tom Zillges, Rick Pierre, Betts Zillges Dave Smolinski and Jan Olson (secretary).   The following discussed:

–HVAC in Sanctuary needs work:  fresh air exchanger to be replaced due to faulty wiring for cost of close to $4000.  Vendor (GMS) recommending piping be insulated – Brad to do on return from vacation.

–Sanctuary west exit door fixed but does need to be replaced.  Had another acceptable bid and Dave will follow-up as well as paint it prior to installation, which saves significantly.

–Had a cracked well cap which was fixed by Brad

–Water Heater work done by Kascade and Brad – odor in kitchen drains resolved.

–Brad to start on basement partitions when returns

— Alter rails done in July – working well and look nice

–Bathroom exhaust fans replaced earlier this summer by Daryl and Brad

–Presentation on replacing Lord of the Lakes sign by highway by Wayne Ludkey from Council, comparing two companies design and cost.  Most of discussion around digital messaging board and consensus was that we should include that.  Wayne will continue to research. 

–Ben presented a 5 year Landscaping plan and Van Zealand has been given the contract.  This is being paid for with a donation from an anonymous donor’s family foundation. 

–Fall Clean-up date set as Nov. 7th at 11 am.  

Thanks, Jan”

Pastor Kevin thinks that we have never had the correct controls on the furnace.

Old Business

Employee Handbook:  Carry over for David Wein

Church Picnic:  Jeff felt that the picnic was well received.

Business Management Team:  Jeff said that when looking for members, they should be asked if they would like to be on council.  If they say no, ask about joining the BMT.

New Business

Counting Coordinator:  Jeff received an email from Kate Pfaendtner resigning from the position.  Pastor Kevin asked if more people are needed on the team.  Jeff is not sure at this point.

Annual Meeting:  Annual Meeting/Budget presentation is November 14, 2021.  Need to get the budget together in October.  We also need two nominees for new council members.  Jeff asked a few people, but hasn’t had anyone say “yes” yet.  He has also asked a few members for suggestions.  He may make an announcement at an upcoming service.

Pastor Kevin asked Wayne if anything is going on with the endowment fund.  Wayne said that LOL has been named beneficiary on some investments.

Reports were presented at this meeting, but notion has been voted on.

Kristen noted that she will be out of town for the October meeting, so someone else will need to do the minutes.  Wayne volunteered to be fill-in secretary.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin

Next Meeting:  10/19/2021 at 6:30 p.m.