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Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Notes                                                        November 16, 2021

Members Present:  Pastor Kevin Heffernan, Wayne Ludkey, Jeff Jahnke, Jan Olson, John Macho, David Wein, Pam Ulness, Deb Ruedinger, and Kristen Bjornstad.

Devotion and Opening Prayer:  Kristen Bjornstad—“Thanksgiving is Thanks-Living”

December/January Devotion—need volunteer

Approval of Minutes:  Motion to approve October 2021 council meeting minutes made by David Wein.  Jan Olson seconded.

Introductions…current council members & new members (Deb Ruedinger & Pam Ulness)

Pastor’s Report:  “Last month felt like the fastest month ever.  It was a good month.  I am feeling a renewed energy around here.

Sunday mornings are starting to feel a bit more like they used to. I notice attendance is creeping back slowly.  I am thankful for that.  In addition, our youth group is doing really well.  Plans for special services are back.  Many of the teams are back with meetings as well.  So, it is a nice change.  Buildings and grounds team has been incredibly productive over the last several months.

Thanksgiving service is already being finalized and our Advent services are just around the corner.  In addition, I have another wedding this weekend.  Overall, I am looking forward to the weeks ahead.  I always love Christmas.   I suspect this will be great year around here.”   Pastor Kevin added that it is getting busy again.  There will also be no ecumenical service this year, but there will still be a Thanksgiving service here at LOL.

Money Matters

 The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of October 2021            $12,441

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of October 2021            $763

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of October 2021 is $101,411.97

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of October 2021 is $64,057.53

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of September 2021 is $23,975.27

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is lower than budgeted by ($667).  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is lower than budgeted by ($2,567) our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($832).

We received Scrip proceeds as of October 2021 $3,300 of our Fiscal Year.


We did budget for a ($23,723) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $12,441

 Wayne asked how the congregation reacted to the proposed 2022 budget at the annual meeting as he was not there.  Jan said a few people commented that it would be nice to have a visual to compare current year/budget with the proposed budget.  Jeff suggested doing a slide show in the sanctuary, so that all can see a comparison.

Wayne Ludkey made motion to approve the treasurer’s report.  John Macho seconded.

Buildings and Grounds:  Jan said Fall clean-up went well.  It was a beautiful day, so many wanted to work outside.  A lot of families were working together to help out.

Basement partitions are in the works.  B&G is working with Scouts to get it organized.

The sanctuary door has been taken care of.  David asked about the kitchen.  Jan said that the door in there does stick, but they are thinking of getting that one taken care of too.  Tri-City glass is another new/good vendor for us.

Van Zeeland is doing landscaping work.

Canopy lights need to be replaced.  B&G is in the process of getting that done.

There’s an HVAC piece behind the altar that isn’t working.  This will cost about $4000.00 to repair.  B&G is getting it done in order to have it fall within the 2021 budget (approved at October council meeting).

Lou Zwicky is looking at getting the garbage service changed out to reduce the cost.  LOL is currently under contract with GFL right now. Herter is the new company.

Rick is taking over as the contact for the emergency sprinkler system.

Jan noted that the team (B&G) is really good at stepping up and all are taking action items.

David Wein made a motion to approve Jan’s report.  Jeff Jahnke seconded.

Youth:  Youth is hosting Bingo Wednesday (11/17/21) night.  Pizza sales are ongoing.  The Fall Festival was really good.

Wayne suggested having Amy come to a few council meetings for updates.  Kristen added that if youth team meetings resume, she can bring the info to council (as Youth Team Liaison).


SIGN:  Plan of action…Wayne had proposals/estimates done/updated.  Got one estimate from $47,900 down to $44,800 (Creative Sign), for the sign council picked with the electronic messaging board.  If we have it on posts and remove the faux stone base, the cost can be reduced even more.  David commented on the brightness of some signs and said that we don’t want it to look like a nightclub.

Jan also noted that we want to make sure we can control the speed of the messages posted, and the frequency of the messages.  Wayne said the company offered to come down with a sample sign to show us how it works.

Wayne said the main sign portion is roughly $12,500.  Council/church funds will pay for the basic sign/structure, but it will be put to the congregation to fund the rest of the money if we are going to have the electronic messaging board.  Jeff confirmed that we will take council’s decision (which sign) back to B&G.  The specificity of the sign location and details will be decided by B&G.  Jan confirmed that we do not need to be in a hurry to get all of the funds.  Wayne is still waiting for Appleton Sign to give their updated proposal.

Wayne suggested having the sign people bring their sign to the B&G meeting to demonstrate how it works.  Jeff said that B&G should work out some of the specificities first.  Jeff still thinks that B&G should review the two sign options (knowing what council’s pick was and why).  Let them go through the specifics and make a comparison between the companies and signs.  Council will pay a fixed amount and let B&G discuss and decide which sign/options they would like before getting the final approval from council.  Then it will be taken to the congregation for raising additional funds.  The new proposal from Appleton sign is needed first.  Wayne will still be the liaison and attend B&G meetings.

Staff Gift:  This time of year, Jeff usually sends out letter asking for gifts and includes how gifts are divided up for the staff.  Jeff asked for council approval to send out the letter again this year.  All agreed.  Jeff will get it out.

2022 & Beyond:  For those remaining on council and new members…there are elections coming up.  Be thinking about those positions.  Jeff would like to see council members installed prior to the next meeting.  Pastor Kevin will do the installation of council members on December 5 (at both services) for all council members (new and existing).

Revised Constitution:  Jan said that there are 3 changes to be made to the constitution (one was a synod/mandatory change and two are to our portion…one regarding zoom meetings and also chain of command wording).  Jan will bring these to the next meeting for council approval.  She will then send the final version back to the ELCA.

Next Meeting:  We will hold the next council meeting on December 14th (one week early).  The agenda will be condensed to discussions regarding the sign, the constitution revisions and elections.  Kristen will not be able to make the meeting on Dec. 14th, but volunteered to remain as secretary for the next year.  The meeting will be held at Jeff’s house instead of church.

Communion:  Communion by intinction may return in January, but there will still be the option to have the individual sealed cup and wafer like we’re doing now.

Severe weather notification:  WBAY will run weather closures.  David suggested having a text message that goes out.  It was also stated that running the closure on all stations would be good.  Pastor Kevin said we have also had a calling tree in the past for members who wanted a call.  It was decided that weather closures will be posted on Facebook, WBAY and a calling tree will be set up for those who would prefer it.

Social Media:  We need to look for a new Social Media coordinator to replace Sarah.  She is stepping away from the role.

John Macho made a motion to adjourn.  Jan Olson seconded.

Closing Prayer – Pastor Kevin

 Next Meeting:  12/14/2021 at 6:30 p.m. (Jeff Jahnke’s house)