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B&G MINUTES –– 12/14/21

PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Daryl Ramlow, Dave Smolinski, Brad Gasper, Betts Zillges, Jan Olson, Rick Pierre, Guest: Wayne Ludkey

Meeting opened at 3 pm by Ben; opening prayer per Betts

Report on routine Maintenance per Brad:  supplies of furnace filters as well as bags of salt for the water softener need to be replaced.  We have enough salt through January.  Brad states he does competitive pricing on supplies before ordering. 

Basement partitions completed by Brad and Rick: total of 8 with sections now available to Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Youth and miscellaneous supplies.  Cost $115 per unit.  Group toured the basement and while there is still organizing work to do, it looks great and they should be very satisfactory to take us into the future.

Sanctuary West exit door replaced and completed by Tri City Glass and Brad

Canopy soffit was incidentally damaged by Van Zealand during landscaping project which they offered to repair and cover cost.  Ben researched repair and cost per roofing company — $5,800.  Brad offered to repair for much less than that and he now has the edging needed – done this week.  Van Zealand then offered to reduce landscaping bill by $500 which we felt was fair.

Sanctuary HVAC AC repair:  parts are here and Gartman will get scheduled before year-end; now scheduled for 12/28 and Brad will meet them at 7:30 am.  This will get it into the 2021 budget as requested.   

Garbage Service change:  GFL has been notified of discontinuance of their service via certified letter and Harter’s (new to our area) has been contracted with a 1 yr contract.  Savings of approximately $600/year and service change-over will take place in March. Questions asked re: biweekly vs monthly pick-up.  Jan unsure but will check with Lou Zwicky who had made the arrangements and is on vacation this week. 

Replace Highway Sign:  has been being worked on for some time by Tom from B&G and Wayne from Council and narrowed down to 2 companies.  Wayne did a side-by-side comparison of Appleton Sign’s rendition and Creative Signs rendition with comparisons re: Basic Sign of sizes and features; Electronic Message Board, sizes and features; Warranties.  Daryl voiced that the base appears to be more durable with the Creative rendition, better graphics and sizing, and the company seemingly easier to work with.  After further discussion, a vote by 6 B&G members resulted in a unanimous vote for Creative Signs in spite of pricing difference – felt Creative has the best value to take us into the future.  Total cost quote:  $43,400 plus incidental costs for permitting, running electricity to it which needs to be arranged by us.

Council’s discussion:  will go with B&G’s vote, pay $20,000 out of operations fund and do a fund raiser to pay for rest ($23,620).  Jeff suggested anything over and above amount raised, we put to debt reduction and advertise as such to our members.  Timeline discussed:  start fundraising after Jan. 1 and target installation early Spring time.  Various forms of fundraising were suggested. 

Future B&G projects:  looking at adding to playground equipment – will bring Amy into the loop to see what needs are appropriate.   There were questions re: the age bracket we are targeting.  It was suggested we put a portable basketball hoop at the east end of parking lot and they can use that pavement as a court. 

Secondly, installation of flood lights to the back yard so our back area is usable in Spring and Fall when it gets dark so early.  Brad and Daryl will work with Amy to see their needs to start with. 

Keys and Emergency Call:  Jan will work with office staff to see that Rick gets a master key and they will make the change to the Call List for US Fire Alliance.

Next Meeting:  January 11th at 6:30

Meeting closed at 4:10.              Respectfully submitted, Jan Olson, Secretary