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December 14, 2021

PRESENT:  Jeff Jahnke, Wayne Ludkey, Apryl Brantley, Jan Olson, Pr Kevin, John Macho, newly elected members: Deb Ruedinger, Pam Ulness, Guest: Amy Penza, Youth Director

Meeting was held at Jeff’s house as part meeting and part Christmas social.  Jeff opened meeting at 6:40 and Pr Kevin led us in prayer.

November minutes approval made by Wayne and seconded by John, approved.

Devotion for the evening circled around all longer-term Council members talking about their most positive experience on Council.  Most frequent talked about experience has been getting to know other Council members on a different level and from a different perspective and also being able to contribute to the growth and success of Lord of the Lakes.


PASTOR:  Pr Kevin listed his thankfulness for where he feels our church is at right now (almost back to normal) in spite of being a challenging year, thankful for the congregation, for the Council, and for the Youth program which is going very well and thankful for Amy as the program leader.  He states he loves the Christmas season and is looking forward to bringing the good news.

TREASURER: See report below but note it is not as inclusive as usual because we are meeting 1 week earlier than usual.  Report approval motion made by Jan and second by John; approved.

Lord of the Lakes Council Meeting Financial Notes – December 14, 2021

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of November 2021            $18,640

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus for Month of November 2021         $6,198

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of November 2021 is $101,620.83

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of November 2021 is $73,108.57

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of September 2021 is $23,975.27

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $5,039.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $2,696 our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($1,054).

We received Scrip proceeds as of November 2021 $4,300 of our Fiscal Year.

Summary:  We did budget for a ($26,096) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $18,640


Subject: Dec 2021 Stewardship and Sign proposals costs and electronic messaging comparison

Most of this month was spent on the sign project. Below is the report on the sign. Please read and study the attachments prior to our meeting. This same info was given to the buildings and grounds committee which meets only hours before Council.


The offerings message was changed to reflect the fact we don’t pass an offering plate and how folks can give an offering. I am hoping it will resonate with Chreasters and visitors who aren’t part of the regular giving process. 

Blessings, Wayne

B&G REPORT:  Jan reported the Team met just previous to this meeting with the following:

Basement partitions completed by Brad and Rick: total of 8 with sections now available to Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Youth and miscellaneous supplies.  Cost $115 per unit.

Sanctuary West exit door replaced and completed by Tri City Glass and Brad

Canopy soffit was incidentally damaged by VanZealand during landscaping project which they offered to repair and cover cost.  Ben researched repair and cost per roofing company — $5,800.  Brad offered to repair for much less than that and he now has the edging needed – will do this week.  VanZealand then offered to reduce landscaping bill by $500 which we felt was fair.

Sanctuary HVAC AC repair:  parts are here and Gartman will get scheduled before year-end.

Garbage Service change:  GFL has been notified of discontinuance of their service via certified letter and Harter’s (new to our area) has been contracted with a 1 yr contract.  Savings of approximately $600/year and service change-over will take place in March.

Replace Highway Sign:  has been being worked on for some time by Tom from B&G and Wayne from Council and narrowed down to 2 companies.  Wayne did a side-by-side comparison of Appleton Sign’s rendition and Creative Signs rendition with comparisons re: Basic Sign of sizes and features; Electronic Message Board, sizes and features; Warranties.  After discussion, a vote by 6 B&G members resulted in a unanimous vote for Creative Signs in spite of pricing difference – felt Creative has the best value to take us into the future.  Total cost quote:  $43,400 plus incidental costs for permitting, running electricity to it, etc.   Council’s discussion:  will go with B&G’s vote, pay $20,000 out of operations fund and do a fund raiser to pay for rest ($23,620).  Jeff suggested anything over and above amount raised, we put to debt reduction and advertise as such to our members.  Timeline discussed:  start fundraising after Jan. 1 and target installation early Spring time.  Various forms of fundraising were suggested. 

Future B&G projects:  looking at adding to playground equipment and installing flood lights in our back yard – both will bring Amy into the loop to see what needs are appropriate.   

YOUTH REPORT:  Pastor and all Council commented on the great Sunday School Christmas program this past Sunday.  It was well attended at both services.  Great job Amy!!!

Amy reported she has had a very large influx of 6th grade youth plus older high schoolers who no longer attend youth nights regularly.  She now deals with upwards of 60 kids on Wed. nights and is going to separate it out by Middle School and High School every other week in order to have a more effective program at each level.  This includes the summer Mission Trip processes and is working with a company called Prehn Pelican and likely will be traveling to the Appalachian Mtn area with High School aged youth this summer.  The goal is to give them a more ‘hands on’ experience and perhaps do some building projects.   Middle School youth Mission Trip programming will remain thru Youth Works which has a more regimented program. More details to follow when plans finalize. 

CONSTITUTION FINALIZED: Jan distributed finalized copies and a short explanation as a summary of the process used.  She explained the 4 changed articles since the congregational vote, suggested by the Synod Constitution Committee.  She plans to send the PDF copy to the Synod office as our final rendition and bring closure to this long project.  Jan emphasized it is now a document to be used as a tool for how Council, Teams, etc. should function, mirroring processes we presently follow. 

OFFICER ELECTION FOR 2022: After discussion on tenures of those remaining on Council and interests and willingness of members:  it was MSA to elect Wayne Ludkey as our new President, John Macho as our Vice President, and Kristin Bjornstad as our Secretary.  Per Constitution we need to vote our Treasurer, being a volunteer non-paid employee ‘at will’, in on a yearly basis – Apryl Brantley was unanimously elected. 

Jan, Pam, and Deb will be members at large and liaison assignments will be discussed at the January organizational meeting.  Jeff did pass along that both David Wein and John Penza, both having 1 year left on their terms, have resigned due to their work schedules.  Per Constitution, Council then appoints replacement members who in this case will be on Council for 1 year terms and then may choose to run for their own 3 year terms.  Name suggestions for replacement should go to Wayne.  Wayne’s goals for his tenure as President is emphasis on Communication and Community. 

Council passes along a huge thank you to Jeff Jahnke, outgoing President and members: Sarah Miller who has made a big difference in our Social Media presence, David Wein, and John Penza for time and contributions to our Council and to Lord of the Lakes.

Adjournment at 7:50 was MSA and we had beverages and snacks furnished by Jeff.  Thank you to Jeff for hosting.

NEXT MEETING:  Tues, January 18 at 6:30; Jan will do the devotion.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Olson, acting Secretary