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JANUARY 11, 2022

PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Dave Smolinski, Rick Pierre, Brad Gasper, Jan Olson

Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Ben at 6:30

Brad’s Report:  All things up-to-date.  He has been attempting to contact Prolone company to have present thermostat’s set up on computer.  He has called several times, left messages and they are not returning his calls.  Jan recalled that system was originally set up by John Barikmo and wondering if someone needs to contact John to verify how to reach Prolone.  Jan will follow-up.

Sanctuary Blinds: Jan reported there are three blinds in Sanctuary that are ‘stuck’ in position and cords need to be worked on. Brad states he has worked on many of those several times.  The blinds are heavy and the cord systems don’t support the size/weight on some of them.  Blinds originally put in by Lowe’s.  Jan will research when we had them put in with thoughts of perhaps it’s time to budget for replacement.

Basement Partitions:  Done!  Look great, makes a huge difference and Brad is actually able to get at his desk and has a workspace.  He’s added hooks so Scouts and Youth may hang things up to better utilize space.  Team members who haven’t seen them – go down and look.  Thanks Brad and Rick for all the work on them.

Canopy Soffit:  Fixed by Brad and finances settled with VanZealand’s

Sanctuary HVAC:  Gartman made the repair at end of December but one part they ordered was wrong.  Reordering and will call Brad and return to complete project when new part comes in.  In addition, they will come in Spring to do start-up as AC season approaches.  Jan worked with Gartman’s office/billing person so we could pay the entire bill on the 2021 budget even though the project is not entirely done at this time.

Highway Sign:  Wayne Ludkey, now Council President will continue to be the contact person with Creative Signs. 

  1. Wayne requesting appropriate B&G members set a time to do Site Survey for sign ASAP. Determined key players are Brad, Ben, and Daryl.  Since Daryl not at this meeting, Ben will contact him and when date/time determined he will notify Wayne. 
  2. Creative willing to do a demonstration when done with survey and key players for that portion: Ben, Brad, Daryl, Wayne, Pr Kevin, Ellen and Gail from office, and anyone else who is interested. 

Parking lot lights/snow plowing: Dave Wachtendonk works for Zillges and our lot is one of his assignments.  When there is snow prior to Sunday AM, he plows about 4 am.  He has a concern about the darkness and backing into one of the light poles.  Various ‘fixes’ discussed.  Post meeting: Zillges put a light board on his truck plus he now has a building entry key and will go to the basement and manually turn the lights on if needed. 

Vacuum Cleaners:  The oldest one not working but unplugged by Darlene.  Jan instructed her to take into Oshkosh Vacuum to determine needs to upgrade and if cost near $100 or greater to ‘scrap’ it. Darlene did that and cost was approx. $90.  She left it with Oshkosh Vac to use for parts.  The newer Rikker is working but per Amy Penza (cleaning for Darlene while Darlene is on Medical Leave) it’s heavy and it takes multiple passes to get it to pick up.  She is requesting a Shark which articulates much better, is lighter weight and more efficient to use, and draws much better from the grout in the tile floors.  At this time, Amy is bringing her own Shark to use.  Ben offered to donate their Kirby but Amy is declining due to the heaviness of those.  Ben states they also have a Disson that his wife may be willing to donate but unsure of status.  Post meeting:  Amy has lead on a Shark she feels will work well for our needs, on a great sale — $200 or less.  Permission given to purchase.  Amy to leave Rikker available.  Darlene is recommending Oshkosh Vac as a service company when needed in the future for any repairs.

Cleaning building: per contract, Darlene is given 4-5 hours per week to clean entire building.  That has worked most recently because of Covid, there has not been the building use as previous.  However, as we ramp back up to more use, Amy is suggesting we increase that to at least 6 hours in order to not have to ‘cut corners’ and get a more thorough job.  Likely will need to wait till next Budget cycle but Jan will address that with Council.

 Garbage Pick-Up:  Done by Lou and ready to go in mid-March.  Lou will pull GFL’s dumpsters out at appropriate time and see that they are picked up by GFL. Garbage pick-up by Harter’s will be monthly.  If we need a quicker pick-up in summer or after a large event, we can notify Harter’s and for an extra cost, they will come.

Additions to Playground Equipment and Floodlights:  Ben meeting with Amy Penza at end of January to determine needs.  We then need to do the research, determine cost, and then determine when re: budget. 

Budget Review/Landscaping: Jan had sent the year end finances specific to B&G; we are overbudget as expected d/t purposefully installing upgrade to Sanctuary AC.  Ben questioning if there is landscaping budgeted for 2022.  The donator of the front door upgrade has approx. $2000 left.  The intent was to do the west and north sides and we will need a cost estimate to determine if we do anything with it.  Ben also states he will work with Beverly to see what needs are for the center island.

Next Meeting:  February 8 at 3pm (note time change); Betts will be present for secretary duties.  Betts and Jan both gone in March so someone else will need to do the recording.

Meeting closed at 7:20;   Recorder, Jan Olson