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LOL Council  Meeting, January 18, 2022

 Present at meeting:  Jan Olson, Sarah Miller, Pam Ulness, Deb Ruedinger, Wayne Ludkey, John Macho, Amy Penza (guest), Pastor Kevin, Apryl Brantley and Kristen Bjornstad

 Opening Prayer: Pastor Kevin

Devotion: Jan Olson—Teamwork (Exodus 18)

Council Member Changes:  Wayne informed the council that Sarah Miller offered to come back for a year to cover the absence left by two council members who had to step down with one year left in each of their terms (John Penza & David Wein).  John Macho made a motion to welcome Sarah Miller back to council for one year.  Kristen Bjornstad seconded.  Approved.

John Macho also noted that Dick Shallert may drop in on the meeting as he is considering filling the other open spot.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Kevin.  See attached “Team Reports” document.  Pastor added that overall, December was a good month and that Christmas services were well attended.  Pastor Kevin also thanked Amy Penza for covering during his vacation.

Youth Report: Amy.  Amy said that things are going well.  She is starting a new curriculum with the youth and is trying to start a Wednesday worship with them to expose them to more and to [hopefully] retain them longer.  She is also going to have one dedicated Wednesday each month for High School youth group members.  Gym Wednesdays will be starting again as well. 

Amy tried reaching out to the principal at Omro HS about getting a morning prayer group started.  That has been tough going.

Wayne asked about Sunday School:  Amy discussed the new curriculum and that there is a learning curve associated with that.  Amy reached out for help with making copies and other prep work for Sunday school.  She received positive responses and is working on putting a volunteer schedule together.  She is working on learning to delegate more.

Sarah mentioned to Amy that if the youth are needing another archery night, to let her know.

Treasurer’s Report: Apryl.

The Operating Budget Total Net Surplus YTD as of December 2021           $7,358

The Operating Budget Total Net Deficit for Month of December 2021        (11,282)

Total Cash in Operating Checking Account as of December 2021 is $98,861.90

Total Cash in Special Events Checking Account as of December 2021 is $63,357.63

(this includes the $29,500.00 in Holding)

Total in Fortifi Investment Account as of December 2021 is $25,525.78

Operating Budget Explanation:

Our YTD income for Church Operations is higher than budgeted by $16,056.  Our Regular Envelope/Vanco/Credit Card giving is higher than budgeted by $12,401 our Loose Offering is lower than budget by ($626).

We received Scrip proceeds as of December 2021 $4,300 of our Fiscal Year.


We did budget for a ($28,468) Deficit YTD and our Actual Surplus YTD is $7,358

Council members discussed how the income for December was more than was budgeted and where the loss/deficit for the month could have come from (utilities cost increase, projects etc.).

Deb Ruedinger made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report.  Sarah Miller seconded.

Wayne mentioned that he spoke to Ellen in the office about creating a separate giving “bucket” for members to contribute/donate to the new sign fundraiser, specifically.  Sarah asked Wayne to get her the link for the sign giving so that she can put it on Facebook.

Buildings and Grounds:  Jan Olson.  Please see attached “Team Reports” document.  Additionally, Jan asked Pastor Kevin if he knows anything about the Proline system (for controlling thermostats).  Pastor Kevin suggested contacting Tim White first and find out who he dealt with.  Otherwise she could contact John Barikmo to find out if he knows who to contact.

Jan asked about when the blinds had been installed as they may need to be replaced. Pastor suggested checking with Betts’ son because he helped with the installation and may be able to help with replacement parts (or possible knows how to re-string them).

Jan discussed budgeting for more cleaning hours in the future.  Pastor Kevin and others thought that perhaps a seasonal team for deep cleaning could be created (Amy suggested doing a deep clean quarterly).

Jan asked Apryl if any money had been budgeted for landscaping for 2022.  Apryl said that none had.  Pastor noted that more work that had been planned from the donation previously given, would be completed in Spring.

Deb Ruedinger made a motion to approve the B&G report.  Sarah Miller seconded.


 The Sign Update/Announcement: Wayne.  Wayne gave handouts to council members.  He informed council that Creative Sign would like to come out and meet with B&G and Council to discuss the sign location and right away for the highway.  They also demo how the sign works and discuss best practices.  Creative needs a day and time and also needs 50% of the sign cost ($21,700) before they come out.

This weekend Wayne will give the congregation the handouts and a picture of the sign.  He will also be asking for additional donations (asking for $22,700).  There were already 3 donations made (totaling $13,700).  Wayne will check with the donors to make sure it’s OK to announce them to the congregation so that they can be thanked.

For the portion of the sign cost that council pledged, Wayne asked Apryl if she knew where that would come from.  Jan pointed out that there are enough funds in the “special events” bucket, so would the money come from there?  Apryl said that she will be meeting with Gail and Andy to determine which accounts the funds will come out of as they should be included in that discussion.  Wayne said that the fundraiser will need to be completed by the end of February.

An inquiry was made regarding the cost of the sign if the electronic messaging board (EMB) was not included at this time.  Wayne said that he is confident that the largest donation would be pulled away if the EMB is not included.


 Afghan Refugee Families:  John Macho discussed refugee sponsorship with council.  He said that 6-8 person teams are being formed and Word Relief is supplying the housing.  The volunteers/teams will be the bridge to a new life for these families.  Assistance with grocery shopping, transportation and introduction to daily activities like riding the bus are usually what’s expected.  Typically, there are 4-8 people in each refugee family.  Community Church has 40 people helping, so they will be getting 5 refugee families.

John asked Wayne to have interested people contact him (John), so that he can determine how many people we may have to form teams.  John also noted that there will be different training for teams/volunteers to go through.  Wayne said that he would have a note about volunteers interested in joining a team put a note in the bulletin as well.

Our Mission for 2022: Wayne.  The focus this year is communication .  John put together a list of teams.  Wayne asked if there is an “official” team for funerals/weddings.  Pastor Kevin said that Jan Olson and Jill Templin usually help with funerals and have key people that they usually call.  Barb Wachtendonk assists with weddings.  Wayne asked if we need a dedicated person to coordinate volunteers.

Amy suggested starting by resending the time and talents forms out to the congregation.  This way we could determine who is still willing to help (as things may have changed since the beginning of COVID-19). 

Wayne inquired, if we do determine that a coordinator is needed, would that be a voluntary or paid position.

Deb and Pam will get out the time and talents surveys.  Sarah still as the ability to send out the online survey. 

Multiple people mentioned that many teams do not have a “lead” person, so we will still need someone to be assigned to coordinate for those teams (see list that follows).

What’s Going On at Lord of the Lakes: John M.

Here are all groups at our church with the coordinator for each or when it meets. Please add any teams that may have been missed…

Busy Hands – meets Tuesday at 9am – Linda Green

Bible Study – Thursdays at 8:30am – Pastor Kevin

Alter/Church decorations – Judy Felberg

Ushers – Ken Miller (soon to be open)

Communion Distributers – (no coordinator)

Coffee Fellowship – John Macho

Cub Scouts – Tom Schell? – Liason for church

Boy Scouts – Rhonda Bricco (now Linda Tipler?) – Liason for church

Youth – Amy Penza

NA – Dave Wachtendonk

Greeters – (no coordinator)

Counters – Vern Olson

Readers – (no coordinator)

Music – Jody Kell

Building and Grounds – Ben

Fellowship & Life –

Women’s Group – Cindy Hendren, Kristen Bjornstad & Sarah Miller were co-coordinating

We Care – Drew Jaeger

Business Management Team – Apryl, Andy & Gail

Communications (Facebook, Web) – Sarah (maybe Kim Radtke)

Stewardship – Wayne Ludkey

Sunday School – Amy Penza

Worship Team – Pam Ulness

Funerals – Jan Olson & Jill Templin

Wedding – Barb Wachtendonk

All current groups with no coordinator are being inputted by Ellen for scheduling. We will discuss why sometime early spring we may need to change this.

Sarah Walsh contacted Jan about getting the Life & Fellowship team back up and running.

Apryl asked if there is a description of what each team does.  Sarah said that a brief description is noted on the survey sheets.

Jan said that in the past, teams would set up tables in the gathering area so that people could get more information and sign up.

Wayne said that he would like to have each council member be a liason for a team.

Wayne asked if communion is OK the way it is going.  Pastor Kevin said that volunteers to assist with communion is not an issue.

Jan noted that the greeting team has fallen by the wayside.

Deb volunteered to be the coordinator of all the volunteers related to worship services, beginning where they leave off, in April 2022 – Greeters, Readers, Communion Assistants, Ushers, and Coffee Fellowship. Deb also agreed to modify the current Time and Talents Survey in preparation to launch a Volunteer Campaign in March.

New Council Members Discussion – Still need one more council member to fill in for a one-year term.

Wayne asked if there was any additional new business.  Kristen was asked to put an updated council contact list together.

Wayne also mentioned that there will be an annual meeting coming up.  Actual date is under discussion.

Devotion for February:  Not discussed

Closing Prayer:  Pastor Kevin

Next Meeting:  2/15/2022 at 6:30 p.m.