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PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Brad Gasper, Daryl Ramlow, Dave Smolinski, Jan Olson, Lou Zwicky, Rick Pierre

Meeting opened at 3pm by Ben.  Jan announced we had two interested ladies in our B&G Team with Time and Talent surveys.  With this Sharon Doyle and Mary Beth McGee will be added to our roster.  There may be others as the surveys continue to be completed.

Routine maintenance:  Brad continues to do a great job and looks for alternative and more cost effective products.  Most recently he’s found a better buy of furnace filters thru Johnson Supply, Appleton. He put a pump on the water heater and sucked out a great deal of sediment again.  This should be done at least every 2 years. 

Sanctuary Blinds:  We have a generous donation and are able to move forward to replace our present blinds.  Jan is in the process of researching 3 different vendors – Budget Blinds of Oshkosh, Tom’s Blind’s of Redgranite, Sew Biz of Neenah.  Hopefully will have quotes, etc. by May meeting so we can make a decision.

Internet Upgrade to USI:  It is in progress with line lying on top of ground awaiting frost to come out of the ground.  It is coming off South Harbour and will run along the south lot line. A third line will be added for our Alarm system since our contract for that is up on 6/10/22.  We are still expecting approximately $30/month savings on this service.

Landscaping:  Ben has been working with the original donator to start on the Island by getting an assessment and quote from Van Zealand.  He will also put a notice in Newsletter re: any desired donations of trees or shrubs as memorials from members.  Sharon and Beverly will work on flowers in the areas off the front of entryway when weather is appropriate.  Plans are to put off any upgrades to the west and north sides at this time.

Scrap for Trap Event:  Rick announced dates as May 2-7 and will be at the old Kwik Trip lot.  Brad dismantled the old frame of the chalk boards so those can be taken over along with anything else we may want to get rid of.  Possibility of the lettered sign and trailer going there.  In the meantime, the group asked Jan to post it on FB Marketplace and felt perhaps someone would pay $100 for it.  If not sold by the date of event, can still consider that just to get it out of the way.

Sign:  Wayne Ludkey had said Creative is working with Town of Winneconne to get permits.  Daryl has tried to see if existing conduit it open enough to use for electrical.  However ice is still not out so he will continue to try as weather warms.

Garbage Service Change:  Accomplished and all went well.

Spring Clean Up Date:  group felt 4/24 with 5/1 as alternate date.  Jan will check that with office to be sure it won’t impact a church event and if key parties will be available.

Roof Inspection and lubricating exhaust motors:  Brad and Rick will get together on a date as a minimum of two people need to be available.

Alarm System:  Daryl asked about an upgrade so it can go on a couple Smart phones and be better monitored from anywhere.  There is also a possibility of putting a security system on our doors with such a system.  This was suggested by the police department years ago and we never did do it d/t lack of funds.  Daryl will research costs and get that to Jan over the next few months so perhaps it can be budgeted for with the next budget cycle. 

Next meeting May 3rd at 3pm: a week early again as this meets Ben’s working schedule.  Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm. 

ADDENDUM:  1.  Portable Sign sold for $100 cash; allocated to Sign Fund

  1. Spring Clean-Up Date changed to May 15; alternate May 22 if need be.

Recorder, Jan Olson