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PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Brad Gasper, Daryl Ramlow, Dave Smolinski, Jan Olson, Lou Zwicky, Mary Beth McKee, Rick Pierre, Sharon Doyle, Tom Zillges

Note:  Betts (Nikolai) Zillges has resigned – thank you Betts for your many years of service to this Team!

Ben opened meeting at 3:10

ROUTINE MAINTENANCE: Brad stated he is having no issues, he just adjusted a toilet in Women’s BR, he has researched cost of salt for water softener and so far, Menards is most reasonable if he picks it up which he says is no problem since he is there frequently.  He is checking ‘pallet prices’ yet.

SCRAP for TRAP:  going on this week and Rick asked for help after meeting to load metal parts from old Easels into his truck and he will see that it gets there.  We have no other items.

STEEPLE ISSUES:  it has been reported that dirt and possible flecks of tar paper or whatever are coming down, believed to be from steeple, on windy days.  Not sure if that is sided or needs painting or power washed.  From ground level it looks very dirty on north side.  Issue will be how to get up there – Brad feels it will take a 100-foot Boom Truck to get up there to check it, wash it, etc.  Sharon knows of a person who works on their 3-story home and will ask re: capability and cost.  Also, Brad (with Rick’s help) still needs to get up on other roofs to lubricate and examine exhaust motors.  He will try to get a closer look and zoomed in pictures to get a better idea of what is actually happening.    

HIGHWAY SIGN:  As of this date, Creative has notified Ben they are laying foundation this Thurs. (5th).  However, Daryl reports he was unable to get thru the conduit that is supposed to be out there per original blueprints by the Electrical subcontractor involved when church was built in 2004.  Ultimately, he ended up pulling it out of the ground and it was just a short pipe/conduit that went nowhere!  So, we are at home plate and need to find an electrical contractor to do it.  Ben will call his contact at Creative tomorrow to see if they do any of this arranging or if we do that and if the start-up needs to be delayed.  Daryl’s best guess this will be about a $4000 additional cost.  Ben will ask about moving the sign more to the east to cut down the distance to route the electrical.  Various names of Electrical contractors were  mentioned if we need to arrange this ourselves.  It was asked if Digger’s Hotline had been contacted and we believe yes as there are a few yellow flags out there and it is Creative’s responsibility to arrange that. Ben to call Jan with answers on Wed. as she will let Wayne/Council and office be aware of status. 

Addendum as of 5/5:  Creative Design representative, Kelsey re-visited site along with Ben and Daryl and determined sign will stay with original plan for placement for greatest visibility of sign.  Daryl will be meeting with Shay Electric on Monday to give us a quote on the electrical part, beginning work on the foundation is scheduled for 5/11, depending on Electrical timing.   

LANDSCAPING: Sharon and Ben are working with Van Zealand’s to do the plan for the island.  The actual work will not take place till late Summer or early Fall.  Jan made them aware of a LOL member’s request to consider ‘prairie vegetation.’  Jan has already told her to contact Ben or Sharon but will reinforce that.  For now Ben, Rick, Brad will attempt to remove the group of Spruce bushes that are partially uprooted, hopefully before the 5/19 date for Beverly and Sharon to plant flowers.  The rest of the island will be on the agenda for trimming and cleaning up at Spring Clean Up on 5/15. Jan will see that advertising will be done at appropriate time for folks wishing memorial items to add to the Island in any way.

 Also, Beverly Raatjes is once again doing the arrangements for Weed Patrol through the growing season.    

SANCTUARY BLINDS:  Jan distributed a summary of the legwork done by she and Mary Beth, vendors who bid, criteria we are looking for, and most importantly for this Team, mechanisms of opening and closing them.  We are recommending Single Cell, light filtering, lighter colored (crème or off-white) blinds, bringing the height of the two arched windows on the west side up to match all the other windows with use of a Palladian shelf.  The summary has the cost comparisons.  Jan has notified the donator of this item and she is in agreement with our assessment.  Jan and MaryBeth are recommending Sew Biz out of Neenah as our Vendor.  It is owned by and the work is done by Lori Burr who seemed easy to work with, straight forward, and her price for a Norman brand blind is the best of the bids:  $4,292.00 plus tax.  This includes the Palladian Shelves on the 2 arched windows.  We are not recommending motorized due to high cost, not sensible with multiple users, and the need to replace many batteries. Owner of Sew Biz quote states they could be Cordless and come with two Shephard’s hooks, used to reach the shades to start pulling them down.  Or could be with a Cord Loop which is like the mechanism on our present blinds.  After discussion the majority of the Team agreed it’s best to ‘keep it simple’ and to contract for the Cordless style.

Her process is to sign a contract and pay 70% of cost ($3000) up front at time of order.  This is donated monies that are sitting in the Designated Funds and Jan will work with our Treasurer and Financial Clerk to get the process started. 

SPRING CLEAN-UP:  Set for May 15 immediately following second service.  Beverly Raatjes will lead the outside crew and has in mind what needs to be done.  Jan or Darlene Larsen will lead the inside work and Darlene has a list of what she needs to have done.  It was advertised in the May Newsletter and it will be in Sunday bulletins plus Jan will ask Pr Kevin to announce it this Sunday.

OTHER:  USI UPGRADE: The cable is laid.  Once contract is signed, USI will do final hook-up.  They like to run it along side our present internet for two days to be sure it is working.  They have determined that their fiber optic underground cable can handle our 4 needs:  1 for Internet and 3 phone lines – 2 for our land lines and 1 for our alarm system. One time cost of installation is $100. Cost per contract will be $130 per month – about a $20/month savings plus we can ultimately stop the ATT contract for $70+ monthly cost.  That is contracted thru ATT and is up on 6/14 and we will likely need to honor that date.  The USI contract is for 2 years.  Jan asked John Macho, VP of Lord of the Lakes to sign in Wayne, President’s absence in order to get this process started.  Especially since our staff are having problems with present internet going in and out. 

Addendum on 5/6:  Contracting w USI done.  All staff emails are not working and USI will not install until that is resolved.  It is thought they are down d/t being scammed.  Randy Korus (in Minneapolis and was hired to do our website) has been notified but unable to resolve thu that avenue at this time.  We need a local source who can come and do it.  Will continue to work on.

NEXT MEETING: B&G usually does not meet the 3 summer months but Ben suggested we meet in June in order to see unfinished business to completion.  The group agreed and next meeting set for                      June 14 at 2:30 pm.  

Meeting adjourned at 4:30, Jan Olson, Secretary