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6-14-22 Minutes


JUNE 14, 2022

PRESENT:  Ben Manning, Daryl Ramlow, Rick Pierre, Brad Gasper, Tom Zillges, Sharon Doyle, Jan Olson, Dana Hartel

Ben opened meeting at 2:30.

ROUTINE MAINTENANCE REPORT: Brad reported he had replaced the belts on roof fans with Rick’s help.  A part of an eave trough was missing and found back near or in the trees. It likely had been removed by the lawn mower person who needs to mow under them.  Brad made brackets to hold the eave extensions up so the mower can get under without having to be removed.

Jan asked that the thermostats be set in a moderate cooling temp Monday thru Saturday d/t rising cost of utilities to help save on expense.  Brad stated people move the thermostats and then don’t return the temps back to where it was.  He suggested he post signs at thermostats of the set point and if they move the setting for meeting or whatever, to please return to that point after their meeting.  B&G members agreed to do it.

HIGHWAY SIGN:  It was completed a couple weeks ago and all agreed it looks great and is working well. Brad, Rick, and Ben will work on getting the old sign down so the new sign is not blocked for people driving from the west.  They will cut it into pieces that fit in the dumpster, even if have to be done in sections to fit the dumpster.  Project done on 6/16.

ELECTRICAL ISSUES: Daryl states there are none.  Ben was asked to research the possibility and cost of putting an automated assist on the men’s BR door d/t a gentleman who uses a standup walker who has been attending on Sundays.  Ben states it’s very costly and so is suggesting he be shown the BR off the Sunday School hallway.  Perhaps post a sign pointing to Handicapped BR down hall.  Brad will also try to slow down the door closure on the Men’s BR off Narthex.

LANDSCAPE UPDATE:  Sharon reported she had just met with Steve from Van Zealand’s with his first rendition of the plan for the new island design.  It has a Limestone seating area and the limestones are engravable so we could use that for Memorial gifts.  That, along with the new plantings of various types come with an estimate of $15,000.  Sharon and Ben have looked closer at it and feel it can be decreased in the amount of limestone as well as some of the pricier plantings to get the cost closer to the $10,000 which is the donation from the anonymous source.  Other suggestions to decrease cost is to replace limestone with the red bricks like we’ve seen in front of the Municipal Bldg in Winneconne which are engraved – Ben will check out alternate items and pricing.  Secondly, we could look at a ‘no mow’ grass in a couple areas where the plantings are.  This is still targeted for Fall.  It is felt Jan could start ‘advertising’ for memorials for the project.

From the project at the front entrance it appears some of the Boxwood shrubs have not done well thru winter and spring months. Plus the 12 Rozanne Geraniums planted in the landscape rocks did not come  up this Spring.  Steve said to make a list of what all needs to be replaced and Van Zealand’s will come and do that.  Also, Sharon will measure the space for the 2 planters at front doors and order those through Van Zealand as their supply is dwindling and will not be ordering any more this year.

SANCTUARY BLINDS:  Project completed except Lori, the owner and installer for Sew Biz will stop this week and mount the Shephard’s hooks on the wall.

USI INTERNET UPGRADE:  done and the 3 phone lines and 6 computers are all working with good speed.  ATT contract was let go and that service stopped as of June 12.

2023 BUDGET:  Ben has submitted it – he increased most items by a % d/t rising costs in general.  Both Zillges for Snow removal and Jerry Clark for lawn mowing said their costs will remain the same. Cost for Green Boyz was increased to account for rising cost of fertilizer and weed control product.  Brad mentioned checking with both Gartman and Oshkosh H&C for any potential fixes needed with furnaces in 2023.

Jan reported she was approached by Kevin Franz, a member who is Director of Facilities for the Kimberly School District, who offered to do a 5, 10, and 20 year analysis of Capital items at Lord of the Lakes.  This is for future budgeting purposes on repairs and replacement and Brad will work with him to fill him in on many of the items.  This will hopefully happen in the Fall when Kevin feels he will first have time.

BASEMENT:   Tom Schell and Phil Sperling, both LOL members are now the Cub and Boy Scout leaders and LOL liaisons.  Tom had accepted all the supplies and equipment from a church in Oshkosh whose Scout troop had folded.  It is all now sitting in the middle of our basement and it is a lot!  Jan has talked with both and they are aware this needs to be cleared out and will work on it and hopefully have the project done by 8/1.  Their intent is to separate it into 3 areas – to keep and fit it into the shelving areas we have provided, to discard, and to sell for a fundraiser.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40.

NEXT MEETING:  It was decided we do not need to meet for July and August.  Next mtg set for September 6TH at 2:30 pm.